Space Travel and the Flat Earth

As a kid who grew up during the Space Age, it is hard to explain the disappointment many of us feel over the lack of progress in space exploration. I remember as a kid reading in my World Book Encyclopedia how we would have Moon colonies by the 1980s. We thought that by the year 2000 most people would be able to travel to the Moon and maybe Mars.

Since that time, NASA has lost the “right stuff.” We have been reduced to flying pointless near Earth space shuttle missions. Within a few years the Space Shuttle will be grounded and we will be unable to fly in space.

The clip below illustrates the scientific de-evolution we have experienced since the 1970s. The fact that any media personality could serious question if the Earth is a globe is embarrassing to those of us who knew a different America.


  1. Great video, very funny. I agree, it's really depressing space exploration is so limited!
    At first I thought Sherri Shepherd may have been Hindu or into Cosmology "turtles all the way down" lol but then to realize it wasn't religion, just amazing. That's all I can say without being cruel.

  2. If the World is flat, we need a spaceship to see what it looks like underneath!

  3. I'm pretty sure that blacks believed the earth was flat in the '70s. So if a black like Sherri Shepherd believes today that the earth is flat, then that's not a sign of devolution, but of stasis.

    I imagine that more non-blacks today believe that the earth is not flat today than they did in the '70s, so you could argue that for non-blacks at least scientific knowledge has improved.

  4. NASA is about $55. In October 2012, my wife and I were driving from Miami to Orlando and took a couple hour detour to go to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. I didn't check the price for admission beforehand so we were in for a surprise. After paying $10 to park, we walked over to the ticket booth for the space junkyard and found out that it was going to cost $50 EACH for us to wander around a bunch of stuff that no one knows how to use anymore -- at least in our diverse country. It was particularly annoying since back in May 2012 we went to the Golden Spike memorial site at Promontory Point in Utah and stopped off on the way at a FREE space junk display at what used to be a Morton-Thiokol plant about seven miles east-northeast, (9.5 miles driving,) from the Golden Spike site. We chose to skip paying the $100 at NASA and just wandered through gift shop outside where I reminded my wife that Christa McCauliffe chose not to shower before going up in the shuttle because she knew that she was going to wash up on the beach.


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