Judge Throws Honor Student in Jail for Missing School

Flash Mob Youths run free. And this girl gets sent to jail.



  1. Saw the words "Honor student" and immediately thought "asian".

    Guess I'm a racist.

    1. Well, I'm not "White Nationalist", in that I support some forms of immigration. And communities in a modern city is normal. A guy like RamZ main problem is that, by his standards, Italians or Irish immigration a century ago would also have caused him anguish.

      In real statistical terms, the British medias (no, not the BBC, the less liberal ones) do come to some "normal conclusions". Like the immigration that pays off and the one that's ruinous.

      In their case, the most disastrous kind of immigration comes from Somalia, that never ever works and is a huge waste of money.

      But here's the kick in the teeth. On average, a British citizen of Indian ancestry earn more, have better education and does better than the average WASP. And unlike many immigrants of... you know, Muslim/African descent, they are not all thrown in "public service" sector jobs. They do real work, invent real things and assimilate rather well to British society.

      This is why I support Indian immigration. I have worked in an engineering firm. A top notch one that pays very high salaries to get the top talents. Guess what we had? Chinese people, Indian people, a whole lot of them. It's fine, they work harder than white people, so they succeed more... and why would a Canadian business just try to get WASP and French Catholics to fill these positions. Think about it, should they just take the guy who finished 30th in his class, almost flunking, just because we have to hire a national?

      I mean you got to keep it sane, but if you dig deeper in how Canada and Australia manage immigration, you'll find out why we just end up in the top spots in prosperity top lists (also, Canada is the freest country apparently, but without guns and free speech, oh well)... Conservatives in Canada even get elected... attracting minorities to vote for them. I know, how crazy is that? All of which while we profile the kind of immigration we want.

      So RamZ, maybe one day you'll have to look beyond the US and see, immigration is not all bad. It just depend how you do it and for what reasons. How do you think stuff like Google would run without highly educated and highly talented immigrants?

      As a right-wing politicians in Quebec (I'm French) once said... We don't need more taxi drivers! But engineers! Hey, bring 'em on, we won't get poorer having more of them around.

  2. I be guessin' yoot, cuz u know, they be moar superior in allwayz.

  3. Actually, the real purpose of this news report was to make minorities look like both the heroes (black reporter) and the victims (Asian girl) in a world run by evil white southerners. The profiling was actually of whites, no one else.

    1. Yes, very well observed. We need more Unknowns who are more well known.

    2. c'mon, don't bring the racial aspect for a shit decision of a judge

    3. The news clip beautifully demonstrates how shitty the decision was---anybody can see that. I'm pointing out things that only your lying eyes can see.

  4. If you're looking for a reason, follow the money.
    If you're looking for injustice, follow the lawyers.


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