Demand A Plan For Freedom

A bunch of rich Hollywood actors protected by armed bodyguards have decided to exploit the latest shooting and are demanding the end to the Bill of Rights.

The only way to solve this matter is through the establishment of separate countries. They can have their Marxist police state that celebrates diversity and concentration camps. And we can have a country of free men. Seems like a win/win to me.

Below is their gun grab propaganda video. Notice that the Hollywood pussy's have disabled the comments on the video. They don't want to see regular Americans responding. After they abolish the 2nd Amendment the 1st Amendment is on their list.


  1. Oh yeah, those Anti-Whites love closed systems where they get to decide who gets to be a 'heretic' and burned at the stake.

  2. Boycott Hollywood and anyone who makes money off of selling the rest of us down river (that should ring a bell with a few of them).

  3. I stopped watching TV 25 years ago, so I wasn't about to listen to some actors blabbing. Instead, I watched the vid silenced, and what struck me was that these folks are a weird looking bunch. I tend to be wary of weird looking people.

    What's with the blond chick, with the short, combed to the side, boyish looking haircut? Lesbian?

  4. Don't you mean - secession, not "succession"?

  5. Your last chance, America. Here in England we lost most of our hard-won rights years ago. All that was needed was a mixture of sloth and cowardliness. The worst part was that it all took place in a cloud of sickly self righteousness.
    By the way, please don't send that odious creep Piers Morgan back to us.

  6. "Everyday 34 Americans are murdered by guns" Golly, that's really serious when you think that only 2,000 (excluding the morning after the night before pill) aborted children are relieved of the hassle of having to face big, bad guns on the mean streets of the USA when they grow up. Fuck, we'd better do something quick about them guns! I say, ban guns and abort more!

  7. Just a question, but wasn't the creep at 00:18 seconds the same one who said, "Fuck it, we killed Christ and I'm glad. I'd fucking do it again"? Oh well, at least she won't use a gun - just a good old fashioned cross

  8. Yes, children get killed with guns. Idiots do get guns and harm innocent people. All this is documented fact. But it is also a fact that most of the people killed with guns needed to be killed. They were lowlife criminals. Shooting them is better than waiting for them to die of advanced old age.

  9. Yes, Just Comments, I too got the irony of Sarah Silverman piously citing "houses of faith".

  10. It won't be much longer before most Americans know how to pronounce 'secession', God willing.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. SECESSION not SUCCESSION. That correction would make this video a hundred times better.


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