#NRORevolt - David French and African Trophy Babies

The #NRORevolt continues.

National Review, the old "conservative" magazine and think tank for the Republican Party is in disarray as their preferred candidate, Jeb Bush, is swirling down the drain in the polls.  What makes matters worse is that former mainstream pundits such as Donald Trump and Ann Coulter are now embracing much of the Alt Right ideology. (I am convinced that Donald and Ann have been exposed to Alt Right websites and videos. Hi Ann!)

Meanwhile many of the old fossils of of National Review and the Republican Party have not even heard of the Alt Right. And these dinosaurs are SHOCKED that younger Americans are moving away from the cuckservative platform of lower taxes for the rich, outsourcing American jobs and whoring for Israel.

Poor Jeb Bush looks lost and confused about the change. This was the year he was supposed to be the Republican nominee so he could lose gracefully to Hillary. Then he could cry about what a historic occasion it is to have a President with a vagina. Many, many tears of happiness. (Cuckservatives are always weeping like women.)

"What the Hell is happening???"

Part of this change includes people on the Alt Right using the term "cuckservative" for establishment Republicans who figuratively or literally cuck their people for status signaling. National Review staff writer David French has demanded that the word "cuckservative" be eliminated. It should be noted that David and his wife traveled to Africa to adopt an African baby.


The whole episode reminds me of this clip:


  1. Why do these white liberals want to go to Africa and bring back Negros? Isn't this country in deep do do today because during the 18th and 19th centuries early Americans did the same thing?

  2. Replies
    1. Status signalling in Russia

      Status signalling in the West.

      How can the USG not be at odds with Russia? It seems like they are completeley different civilizations!

      Someone should put all those cucks in a padded cell.

  3. Well, Ann does write for VDARE.com, which is basically alt right, so in a sense she is semi alt right.

    Not sure exactly where you are at in the country RamZ (I live in the PNW), but at least up here, most young people are pretty liberal. Not sure how that is down south or out east.

    1. I believe Ramzpaul is in Oklahoma which is not known for being a hotbed of liberalism.

    2. But, sadly, it is ground zero for Christian Zionism.

    3. Ann is part of the alt right. I would not be surprised if she reads heartiste and watches my vids.

    4. He's not saying young people, he's saying, in the movement, young people now, in contrast to the old days.

  4. These fucking scumbags are finally getting the attention they deserve.

    I knew some of the NR crowd in NYC in the early '90s. The thing that struck me about them was the class aspect. They clearly believ(ed) they are a class above the average American conservative: holier, smarter, more educated, more refined.

    1. I am not surprised. I imagine that their primary concern is to be invited to Manhattan cocktail parties. They want to be the respectable conservatives. Conservatives that never rock the boat and always lose with a smile on their face.

    2. Mainstream conservatives alway move left. For example, NRO now supports gay marriage.

      The whole conservative versus liberal paradigm is old anyway. It is now Globalism vs Nationalism. I would be happy to pay higher taxes in exchange for self determination.

      Ironically, the NRO crowd does support ethnic nationalism for one very special country. But nationalism for our people is wicked. By definition this is why they are cucks.

  5. Hey ramzpaul we would love to have you on the daily shoah or between two lampshades. Give @seventhsontrs a tweet to set it up. You're the man.

    Toilet law

  6. NRO has been on a downward spiral for years, they fired Coulter and Derbyshire for writing the truth; the truth makes them uncomfortable and costs them corporate sponsors.

    I worked for and with several Ethiopians for a couple of years, they do not have any affinity for "African-Americans". The youngest guy there was one of three brothers, he told me that his parents told all their boys that they would be dis-owned if they dated a "black" girl who was American, and they only wanted them to date fellow Ethiopians. He also told me that all Ethiopians are like that, they hate all other Africans, that they especially hate and are ashamed of "African-Americans" and they view themselves closer to whites than to any other race or groups.
    The other Ethiopians never verbally corroborated his statements, but the way they carried themselves and my experience working with them did. So I guess the French's picked the "whitest" of Africans.

    1. When I was a kid I loved Sobran. Once he got purged it opened my eyes.

  7. The trouble with cuckservative is that it isn't Republican and conservative leaders or pundits who are the cucks it's their voters, the rank and file who are willing to excuse and endure every humiliation and betrayal. They're like the guy who wrote this:


    1. The older generation of Republican voters is a lost cause. They think we are just a tax cut away to restore America back to 1985.

      Yeah, I know there are exceptions. But the boomer generation squandered away America out of pure short term greed.

      They deserve the death panels that will be set up under Obama care.

    2. My father was a boomer and got more liberal as he got older. My grandfather on the other hand was like a more intelligent version of Archie Bunker when I can first remember him, and before he died probably would have voted for Hitler if he could have.

  8. OH MY GOD!! NRO is removing all my comments after I commented on their last Cuckservative article. I am a constant commenter at that site and everything I say is not only civil but meaningful. None of my comments have ever been removed until someone replied to my comments and accused me of making a threat of violence. I called him a liar because the comment to which he was referring in no way, shape, or form was as how he characterized it. In so many ways, what happened is identical to what the SJWs do: lie in order to censor an idea they disagree with. I am completely shocked at this.

    My recent comment history revealed me to one who was sympathetic to the critiques made by Alt-Right regarding the establishment conservatives. I thought NRO was cool with this. I actually thought that like the Alt-Right, they too were a "Big Tent". Was I ever wrong. There is one humorous thing I can take from this entire experience: some of the people at NRO actually think that I am white and a nationalist. When I told them that I was Black with nationalistic sentiments one of those guys went into orbit with a strong denial. I saw no point in pressing the issue.

    I cannot believe this shit is actually happening.

  9. Some serious flame war here!! Coulter unleashed something big.


  10. It seems like the leadership of the Republican movement see their role as putting up a token resistance then losing gracefully. All the pesky conservative voters are a real bother that get in the way of them being accepted into the right social events in Washington DC.

  11. One of your best posts ever. AND SO TRUE. I was driving a young lad (about 20) home from tennis a few days ago when he shouted 'Stop!' Then, pointing at a black guy unloading a truck, with a broad grin said 'look, a black man working'.

    There IS hope.


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