Hungary must fight ‘Sovietization’ of Europe

I was honored to be able to attend the 60th anniversary commemoration of the Hungarian 1956 uprising against the Soviets and the Hungarian ((( Communists ))). The echo connotation is appropriate as most of the Communist leadership and secret police (AVH) were Jewish at the time.

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, was the primary speaker.  The President of Poland also gave a short speech. This was appropriate as Poland and Hungary have strong historical ties. Both countries have also remained strong in resisting the Muslim invasion that has ruined many Western European countries.

Although I don't speak Hungarian, I found the atmosphere to be inspiring. There was a sense of a people united by a common race, language and religion. The people were Hungarian, not a bunch of Islamic "refugees" demanding Jihad.

As a people, we have a genetic need to be part of a homogeneous community. Diversity is unnatural and created hostility.


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