Drain the Swamp! - The Ninth Circuit

Restoring judicial sanity must be one of the key elements of President Trump's promise to "drain the swamp."

The Marxist 9th Circuit appeals court overturned (as expected) Trump's immigration order. The court did not bother to cite the Constitution in their ruling. At this point the court's judgments are strictly based on politics without regard for the rule of law. The courts do NOT have the constitutional authority to ignore the laws as established by the will of the people. They only have the power to determine if such laws violate the Constitution. In this recent immigration decision, the 9th circuit one again engaged in judicial tyranny.

Congress has the power to break up the 9th Circuit and restore balance and sanity to our legal system. In order for us to restore The Republic and stop our slide into a Marxist state, it is key that President Trump uses this opportunity to drain the swamp known as the 9th Circuit.



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