Femen protester desecrates Notre Dame cathedral
Femen is a "feminist" group in Europe that primarily attacks Christian targets. The group is actually funded by the billionaire George Soros and many of the girls are prostitutes from poor ex-Communist countries. http://lepeupledelapaix.forumactif.com/t20525-le-financier-george-soros-serait-bien-le-commanditaire-des-femen Below is the link that proves the prostitute connection: http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Les-FEMEN-ni-putes-ni-soumises-15096.html A member of the militant feminist group Femen, known for its provocative topless protests, on Wednesday staged a mock suicide in Notre Dame cathedral in the French capital, less than 24 hours after a far-right historian killed himself there in front of visitors and church-goers. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/22/femen-mock-suicide-notre-dame Femen curiously never attacks mosques or synagogues Very brave to attack Christian targets The Man Behind the Curtain Women in France Opposed to Femen Hungarian Women Opposed ...