Adolf is still dead. Let him rest in peace
I hope everyone has a happy 2016! We have seen an explosive growth of the Alt Right across the world this year. the energy and excitement is amazing! My goal is to look to the future and help establish self-determination for all people. I believe that can best be done by looking toward the future instead of being stuck in the past. However, every few years I tend to get embroiled in a debate with the 14/88 crowd claiming that I have some moral duty to advocate for their notion of Nazism. I keep telling these people that I do not share their values and they should go away and do their own thing. But for some unknown reasons, they keep latching on to me. And then they invariably will watch a video or hear an interview and get all butt hurt again. They think that I have some sort of obligation to advocate for their Sieg Heil nonsense. I don't. And I won't. Of course, I suspect I know some of the reasons. Based on the history of "neo-nazis" we know that many are shills an...