
Showing posts from October, 2009

Do you need Diversity Training?

DiversityInc has put together an outstanding program on helping people avoid the minefield of dealing with people of other races and sexual orientations. Click here to read “10 Things NEVER to Say to a Black Coworker.” Click here to read “10 Things NEVER to Say to Latino Executives.” Click here to read “Things NEVER to Say to Asian Coworkers.” For some odd reason DiversityInc forgot to include "10 Things NEVER to say to a White Coworker." What a curious oversight! Anyway, as RAMZPAUL is always willing to help I have created some material to help people not to offend Whites.

GPS device keeps tabs on your kid

Below is a great device that helps you track people in real time. While it is advertised as a device to help track your children, it can also be a greats talking device. Potentially, such a concept could also be used by the government to help keep us safe. If we put a GPS chip (smaller than a grain of rice) into every child, the government could locate them in an emergency. Everyone should have such a chip for the children’s sake.,CST-NWS-tracker27.article Best Buy is selling a transmitting device that lets parents keep track of their children. Parents can place the device in a child's backpack or lunch box, for example. The "Little Buddy Child Tracker" retails for $100 (far less than other devices that sell for $200 to $500). It combines global satellite positioning and cellular technology to signal the child's whereabouts to a computer or smartphone. Parents can program the device to set up specific times and locations whe...

LA man arrested in death of his unborn child

Image Police said in a press release that Joshua Woodward was arrested Sunday in Los Angeles and is being held on $2 million bail in a county jail. Police say the arrest came after an investigation on Monday revealed "suspicious circumstances of a miscarriage." Investigators estimate the fetus was in its 13th week. Police released no information on the mother or the circumstances of the child's death. Interesting. If this same woman went to an abortion clinic, it would have been OK to kill this baby. How can a man be charged for murder for something that the feminists claim is not a person? And if the baby is a person, how can one justify abortion? "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. "It means just what I choose it to mean - neither more or less.""The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things...

iWatch - Keeping us safe from terrorism

Los Angeles is spearheading an initiative to encourage the citizens to spy on each other and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. This program is called iWatch which is based on similar successful programs based in the Soviet Union and North Korea. As I am a known YouTube personality, the government asked me to help make an awareness video. Unfortunately, my segments were cut from the final video. However, I have included the original video for your viewing pleasure.

The Balloon Boy Hoax

It seems the “authorities” are SHOCKED and OUTRAGED that the balloon that supposedly contained a stranded little boy turned out to be a media hoax. Of course, the “authorities” such as the government and the police love to use the media to hype their various causes. Most of the so-called news is just staged events designed for propaganda purposes (e.g., Obama’s Beer Summit). And the media loves to hype stories that have little actual news value. The mainstream media has become simply an entertainment device. And a runaway balloon with a stranded boy makes for a good story. So while the whole story was a hoax, it was fun to see the media and the police get punked.

Science Fiction and Gender Wars

A recent Spearhead article written by Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Tech illustrates how feminist ideology has changed the direction of science fiction over the last decade. An example of this change can be observed by watching the evolution of the SyFy channel (formally known as Sci-Fi) over the past decade. Bonnie Hammer was hired to transform the Sci-Fi channel so that it would be more female friendly. Traditional science fiction tends to focus on action and technology which typically appeals to men and does not attract most women. So Bonnie made the decision to create more female friendly programming that was focused primarily on interpersonal relationships. The idea was that women would be more attracted to story lines that dealt more with emotional drama versus space combat. So instead of grand space epics with weird technology and aliens, the story lines became basically “Sex in the City” set in space. While it is not necessarily a bad thing to change science fiction to appeal to more ...

Columbus - History's Kick Ass Alpha Male

During Columbus Day we now get the usual politically correct angst and gnashing of teeth concerning the evil of Columbus. The usual story now taught to children is that the natives of America were living in peace and harmony with Mother Earth until the evil White Man arrived and destroyed their idyllic paradise. And Columbus is now the convenient target for their hate. An example of this revisionist history can be found at the link below. It seems that fourth grade school children in Pennsylvania put Columbus on a mock trial charging him with misrepresenting the Spanish crown and thievery. They found him guilty and sentenced him to life in prison. The irony is that Columbus was thrown into jail just eight years after discovering America. He was accused of crimes against the Spanish crown. Of course, these charges had nothing to do with the mistreatment of the native people. These charges were politically ...

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Congratulations to President Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. This award was somewhat unexpected as Obama has done absolutely nothing in regards to enhancing World Peace. He has not negotiated any peace settlements. He has not ended any wars (the war in Afghanistan is escalating). Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize makes about much sense as me winning the Nobel Prize for Physics. Many people were scratching their heads trying to figure out how a man could win a prize for doing absolutely nothing. I was also confused until I saw a picture of the committee that made such a decision. It seems that the committee was composed mostly of old White women who got their panties wet thinking of Obama. It was a feel good decision that was based entirely on emotion and with no reason. Perfect!

NFL Promotes Breast Cancer Awareness

While watching the football games over the weekend, I noticed that the players were wearing pink gloves and pink shoes. This was in support of breast cancer funding and awareness. God knows we are all inundated with prostate cancer awareness commercials and funding campaigns, so it is nice to see that breast cancer is FINALLY getting some recognition. Of course the real scandal is the amount funding target per type of cancer. Here are some funding numbers per cancer death for female related cancers: cervix ($18,870 breast ($14,095) Now funding per male cancer: Prostate ($1,300) Obviously it is outrageous and sexist that we spend any money on cancer research that will only benefit men. Hopefully the pink ribbon campaign will raise awareness of the need to spend more money on female relat...

Violence In Chicago

President Obama was disappointed that the Olympic Committee decided not to choose Chicago as the venue for the 2016 Olympics. As President Obama was formerly a successful “community organizer” in Chicago, this defeat must have been especially disappointing. Part of the reason that Chicago may not have been selected is due to how Violence has stricken much of the city. Just a couple of days ago a Chicago student videotaped a murder of an honor student. (As a side note, it seems to be especially dangers to be a Black honor student. In the stories linked below, all the victims happened to be honor students.) Link to raw video: http://www.myfox...