
Showing posts from July, 2010

RAMZ Millennium Scholars

The RAMZ Millennium Scholars (RMS) is a scholarship program in response to the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS). White Students are not allowed to apply for scholarships from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As RAMZPAUL believes that White students also have value as human beings, the RMS program has been created exclusively for White students. Gates won't allow these kids to apply for a scholarship If you believe that White kids also should have scholarship options, please donate to the RMS fund. All money donated will be used to provide scholarships to deserving White children.

Fallin - The Face of Modern Conservatism

No, Mary Fallin is not a real estate agent, she just looks like one. Mary is actually a career politician from Oklahoma. I can find no evidence from her biography that she has ever had a real job. She married a dentist, had a couple of babies and then went into politics. Her claim to fame was that she was Oklahoma’s first female Lieutenant Governor (OMG! How Progressive!) While she was Lieutenant Governor she had an affair with her state trooper bodyguard. The state trooper was forced to resign in disgrace, but Mary was unscathed. Once caught, Mary filed a divorce from her husband. There was a nasty custody battle. But, not surprisingly, Mary won custody. As a congresswoman, Mary is active in the Congressional Women’s Caucus. This caucus works closely with Women’s Policy, Inc., a radical feminist organization. Mary was active as part of this women’s caucus to help form a policy that would help military women win custody during divorces. (As women pretty much always win custody, this is...

Illegal Penis Pumps

Image A Minnesota town is outraged over reports that an illegal immigrant was implanted with a penis pump—paid for by taxpayers. Shakopee Police Chief Jeff Tate said the expense to taxpayers was more than $50,000. Taxpayer Stimulus Money Helping to Prime the Economic Pump

Mel Gibson and Hollywood

It seems that Mel Gibson’s wife secretly taped various phone conversations of him with the intent to commit blackmail. Reportedly she demanded millions of dollars from him else she threatened would release the private tapes. When Mel failed to pay the blackmail money, she released the tapes to a tabloid. Holywood Villian: Mel Gibson with Wife Said Naughty Things in a private call What is interesting is how Hollywood is “SHOCKED” and “OUTRAGED” over Mel’s private comments. (One wonders how these same people wagging their fingers at Mel would like any of their private conversations broadcast to the world) MTV’s Kara Warner laments that she could not possibly watch Mel Gibson movies after he said such naughty things. Kara writes: “Instead of bashing Gibson, which is reall...

Black GOP candidate slams Obama for exploiting race

Image One of the GOP’s handful of black candidates for Congress condemned President Barack Obama for exploiting race for political gain. Allen West, the Republican challenging Rep. Ron Klein (D) in Florida’s 22nd congressional district, sharply criticized the Obama administration for having declined prosecuting the New Black Panther Party on voter tampering charges allegedly for political reasons. I applaud the fact that Allen West (pictured below) took a stand against blatant anti-white discrimination. However, it is somewhat dismaying that no White politicians had the courage to speak out on this matter. Of course, White politicians are frightened to speak on any racial matter that does not involve condemning Whites. The fear is that even the mildest from of protect against anti-White discrimination will be met with the cry of RACIST! And politicians fear being branded as a racist by...

Who is King Samir Shabazz?

The conservative pundits across the nation (including Limbaugh, Beck, etc) have been in an uproar over a voter intimidation case from 2008. It seems that in 2008 the New Black Panther leader, King Samir Shabazz, donned a paramilitary uniform and went to a Philadelphia polling station while brandishing a Billy club. While at the polling station King Samir Shabazz reportedly made threats against White voters. Of course, threatening voters with violence is a Federal crime. However, the criminal case against King Samir Shabazz was quietly dropped by the Justice Department. A whistleblower in the department claims that the charges were dropped due to a racial bias against Whites under Obama’s administration. It is Obama’s view that civil rights and protections do not extend to White people. While I do not dispute that the government has a racial bias against Whites (the anti-White poli...

Hitler Ringtone Lands German Man In Jail

Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell A German man annoyed fellow train passengers even more than normal recently by receiving incoming calls on his cell phone, which had a speech by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler as its ringtone. Now, the man could face as long as six months in prison for the Nazi ringtone he programmed into his phone.