
Showing posts from December, 2013

23andMe and Social Constructs

23andMe, the Google-backed personal genetics company, said it would no longer offer health-related results from its genetic tests to customers after a recent warning from federal regulators.,0,3527340.story#axzz2oXcAjEwJ Israel looking to conduct DNA testing on immigrants :

Cracker Barrel Christmas Miracle

Amazing what can happen when a man stands and refuses to grovel to the Cathedral. Cracker Barrel has heeded to an old adage: The customer is always right. Late Sunday, the Tennessee-based restaurant chain, which has 625 locations in 42 states, reversed course and said it would resume selling "Duck Dynasty" merchandise.,0,480592.story#ixzz2oMzl6A7g h/t for comic:

Duck Dynasty and Free Speech

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty was fired from A&E based on an interview in which he claimed homosexuality is unnatural. Thus continues the Left's Stalinist elimination of thoughts that are not approved by the establishment. I remember the American Left promising us all in the 1970s that they were REALLY for Free Speech and they were not like their Commie brethren.  They were for openness and free debate. We were told they were opposed to anything that might "chill free speech". Well, I guess the mask has been removed and we see them for what they are. The champions of tolerance will not tolerate any form of dissent.

Get ready to have the talk

I would think that the ad agencies are trolling Obama. But I fear they are not. They is really how they view the world. Organizing for Action, a creepily nondescript leftoid group tasked with propagandizing President Barack Obama’s (jesus it still sticks in the craw to say that) healthcare law, have released an ad campaign on Twitter under the hashtag #GetTalking that, well, you’ve gotta see to believe.

NY Post Claims Saudi 9/11 coverup

The NY Post reported today that the Bush administration censored 28 pages from the 9/11 report. The pages that were removed were in the section that discussed potential foreign government involvement. As the official explanation is that there was never any foreign government involvement, it is curious as to why it was necessary to removing these pages from the publicly released report. According to the NY Post, many government officials are now suspicious that the Saudi government may have been involved with the financing and planning of the attacks. Shortly after 9/11, the FBI held held 5 Israeli citizens who were reported acting suspiciously during the attacks. ABC News reported that the FBI believed that these men were spies.  If this is true, this leads to the possibility that some foreign intelligence agencies were aware in advance that the attacks would occur.

What is Santa's Race?

Controversy erupted this week in America concerning Santa Claus' race. It started with an African-American writing for Slate claiming that Santa should be transformed into a Black penguin. The author, Alsha Harris, took the Nationalist position that she can not relate to anyone of another race. And imagining Santa as White caused her much emotional damage as a child. The White Santa Her proposal for the new Santa This story was a subject of a Fox News debate in which Megyn Kelly claimed that Santa is White. This created an uproar among the politically correct crowd. Could Megyn Kelly be initiating another Holocaust? As such I decided to investigate the real racial heritage of Santa Claus. Based on my research I am convinced that Santa was of the Ainu tribe found in northern Japan. The Ainu have white skin and frequently have blue eyes. They are a ...

Nelson Mandela and Word of Warcraft spying

The African sign language interrupter was inspiring at Nelson Mandela's funeral. Pretty much a symbol of the Continent. Meanwhile, the United States government spends millions of dollars to spy on people playing World of Warcraft. Hundreds of agents spent their days playing a game in search of "terrorism". Rumor has it they next plan to spend thousands of hours looking at Japanese Pr0n for any signs of terrorist activity.

The Dark Enlightenment

A sandwich shop owner endured eight hours of questioning by police and had his computer seized for three weeks – after making tasteless Nelson Mandela jokes on the internet. Dark Enlightenment explained: Some unorthodox blogs:

Necklacing Nancy - A Tribute to Nelson Mandela

We at RAMZPAUL offer our sincere condolences concerning the death of the greatest person to have ever lived - Nelson Mandela. To help preserve his memory, we are offering a limited edition of the doll - Necklacing Nancy. This doll will help to commemorate the life of Nelson Mandela. Below is one of Mandela's favorite songs. With clenched fist he chants for the death of Whites.

The Manifesto of Manuel Half

Hollywood (and the usual suspects) has been promoting the idea that a "gay family" is just as healthy, if not healthier, that a family that has a Father and a Mother. And to be opposed to the idea of Johnny having two daddies is a bigoted and hateful opinion. The video below preaches "tolerance". Of course, I somewhat doubt that the makers of this video have any "tolerance" towards anyone who would dare disagree with their agenda. One of the keys goals of Cultural Marxism was the destruction of the traditional family. (The State considers the family and religion to be a threat.)   A group in France called Hommen opposes gay marriage and adoption. Hommen was created to opposed George Soros funded group called Femen.  Unlike a typical boring conservative group, this organization engages in street activism. They mock the topless antics of Femen by engaging in similar protests. A European teenage boy who was raised by a homosexual father penned a manifesto to ...

Race Card Project at the University of Oregon

Have you heard of the race card project? It is the brain child of NPR's Michele Norris. The project is to write a sentence about race that is six words on card. Remind me of a quote from the movie Spinal Tap - It's such a fine line between clever and stupid. Black man interrogated. White mom ignored,” McKenzie Messer. “I don’t exist for your curiosity,” Gordon Nagayama Hall. “Where are you from? No. Really?” Alisa Caban. NPR special correspondent Michele Norris’ The Race Card project asks people to explore their thoughts about race, ethnicity and cultural identity in six words. Norris has been collecting these stories for three years and some have been heard, and the longer stories behind them told, on public radio’s Morning Edition. Norris brings these stories to the University of Oregon on Nov. 13 and is asking Oregonians for their six-word stories.

RAMZPAUL Live! (Monday, Dec. 2 at 5:00 P.M. CST.)

RAMZPAUL Live! (Monday, Dec. 2 at 5:00 P.M. CST.) Robert Stark invited me (again) to be on his local TV show at 5:00 P.M. CST on 12/02. The show is broadcast in Central California and it has an audience of around 30,000. It is streamed live on the internet. Come watch on Monday.