Northwest American Republic

One of the cool things of doing videos is that it has allowed me to meet all sorts of interesting people (both on the Left and the Right). It is amazing how many doors a camera will open.

While I was in Washington Harold Covington agreed to an interview. Harold currently advocates a creation of a homeland for White people in the Pacific Northwest. To me it basically sounds like Zionism for White people.

As Harold is a controversial character, the security measures to arrange a meeting were interesting. But everyone was quite nice.

I hope do to more video interviews with interesting characters across the world. There is a famous Russian that I hope to meet soon and get an interview.

Below is an interview Covington did for Vice magazine:

Blow is a link to his weekly radio show. And there are links on that web site to his novels. Harold was kind enough to provide me with a signed novel called "The Brigade".


  1. I could name several people that used to be associated with Covington who now regard him as a conman. He has a decades-long history of lying for fun AND profit.

    It's funny the way Ram Z Paul acts as if it were somehow a privilege to be in this guy's company.

    "Security-measures"? Why? I call that pointless drama.

    1. Oh here we go with the typical White Nationalist wash woman stuff. Did someone somewhere not feed into your ego? By the way, do you have a better viable plan? This is usually where the silence begins.

    2. This has been the standard Covingtonista comeback since 2010. "Covington is the only man with a plan! What's your plan?!?" This is what Tubby says himself, and I am sure that one way or another he instructs his paltry minions to say the same (or says it himself in sockpuppetry).

      I've answered it before too, although the last time was probably in 2011.

      (1) Covington really does not have a plan. What he's selling is an escapist fantasy that has nothing realistic about it. Citizens with small arms against the U.S. military? No way. And that's what George Lincoln Rockwell told a meeting of his supporters in Dallas back in 1965. The kinds of people that Covington attracts with his escapist fantasy are mainly ... escapists, and that just adds to the certainty that this so-called plan is going nowhere. Most of the Tubbingtonistas never even do the one thing that they could do in pursuit of Tubby's so-called plan -- the one thing that he urges them to do in real time -- which is to relocate to the Northwest. (I think there is some subconscious common sense keeping them from doing that, because for the time and money and energy expended, nothing is accomplished, unless perhaps the goal is to go hang out with Fat Harold and be his buddy.)

      (2) Yes I have a plan. The plan is to educate and enlighten White people. Wrong thinking is where the main problem is and always has been, and that's what has to be fixed first and foremost.

      There are other people who also have plans. PLEs constitute a plan of sorts. But Tubby dumps on the PLEs. He says the Feds won't allow PLE's and that you have to set up his Northwest Republic first -- which means that nothing would ever be done.

    3. "The plan is to educate and enlighten White people?" Then there is no plan. That has been done to no avail. As for P.L.E.'s, no the fed govt will not allow anything racially White. Remember, ANYTHING right is deemed wrong by the powers that be.

    4. I am going to pretend that I think you are arguing sincerely, even though you are obviously not.

      If your purport is that nothing has been accomplished through education and enlightenment, then you are just ridiculously wrong. Educating the White public is an incremental process like melting ice; the fact that nothing dramatic (like a big chunk of the melting ice breaking loose) has happened yet doesn't mean that nothing dramatic will happen, nor does it mean that no good has been done thus far. Furthermore, for the past 15 years or so, with Internet, reaching a vast public with an alternative message has become infinitely easier and infinitely less expensive..

      Educating and enlightening White people is something that can be done by everybody right now. This is an activity that is worthwhile and very legal.

      Violently tearing away a piece of the United States is something that no band of guerrillas is going to be able to do in the foreseeable future. Actions aimed toward this end are a waste of time, and arguably much worse than a waste of time since the general idea seems to be criminal conspiracy.

      The fact that Harold and his associates have not been prosecuted probably indicates more than anything that the government just doesn't take Tubby's so-called plan seriously. They would be right in that.

    5. Time to rest grandpa. You and your generation of WN's have wasted the last sixty or so years doing nothing. The history of this alleged movement speaks for itself. So you keep using the same tactics "Educating and enlightening White people" there grandpa. Cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

  2. Creepy. Everything about that video was creepy. Love RamzPaul videos but this was the worst.

    1. You know what is really "creepy?" Your name Eli.

  3. Why so quick to attack Ramz (who is one of our own). He has made it clear that he is just going to interview people as he finds them and who may be of interest to people on here - it will surely be up to the viewer to make their own minds up about the person being interviewed. Anyway, who would agree to take part if Ramz took on an aggressive attitude?

    1. Because the White Nationalist movement is full of geriatrics who in fact for the last sixty or so years have done nothing but bad mouth, attack, and hate each other. Once these old timers choke, hopefully some real new leadership will arise and we can finally get on with what we were suppose to be doing all this time. Word of advice, stay away from most "movement" people, they do our enemies work for them. Lone wolf ( move to as White a place you can find, help yourself and your family as much as you can, if you meet like minded types that is great if not that is great, you can only depend on yourself) is probably the best way to go for now until some leaders appear.

    2. @ Richard: "Why so quick to attack Ramz (who is one of our own)."

      Your own what? Who constitutes "our?"

      "[W]ho would agree to take part if Ramz took on an aggressive attitude?"

      Oh, no. "We" wouldn't want to be aggressive against frauds who style themselves WN leaders. That would be impolite. Whatever it is you're taking part in, Hadding's careful documentation of Covington's misdeeds cannot be disputed by you. Caveat emptor!

  4. "How does someone who is bankrupt mail out free packets of literature to any and all who contact his POB?" You ask? The same way someone like YOU continues to peddle the same old information that is in fact old and known and trying to pass it off as some "new revelation and earth moving."

    1. All I know is that "citizens" with small arms using 4GW drove America out of Vietnam, Somalia, and are currently doing the same to Amurrican forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  5. I'm not the one who is bankrupt, friend. And I'm not the one who is passing the idea of White Zion off as new or original. Dr. William Pierce did that 30 years ago:

    Hadding raises a good question. Why the "security measures?" Who is your Mr. Covington afraid of?

    The fact is, Covington filed for bankruptcy protection for one reason and one reason only: to avoid execution of my $250,000 judgment against him for defamation. He couldn't defend his outrageous smears in court, ran away and is still running, and now begs the court's protection from the resulting adverse judgment. What a leader!

    1. Do you listen to any of his podcasts? If you did you would know he in fact gives credit to Dr. Pierce.

    2. This is such a stupid comment. Anybody that really listens to Tubby's podcasts will note that he talks out both sides of his mouth regarding William L. Pierce. The fact that he says anything positive about WLP is most likely due to the fact that his main financial backer used to support WLP (a fact that is a real head-scratcher given WLP's well known view of Tubby). But in spite of that Tubby still attacks WLP plenty:

      1980: Covington calls for the death of William L. Pierce (among others):

      1990s: Scurrilous rumors about Dr. Pierce (among others) circulated by Harold under the pen-name Luther Williams in a smear-sheet called The Old Order Passeth.

      Late 1990s: Tubby floats a libel called "Why I Broke with William Pierce" while posing as a disgruntled former member of the National Alliance, "Brad Davis," (who never existed). Here is the proof that Tubby is in fact Brad Davis:

      July 2003: Within weeks of Dr. Pierce's death Tubby releases a novel that contains an allegation by fictitious former members of the National Alliance (called by Tubby "the Pierce cult") that Dr. Pierce had been a federal informant.

      February 2011: In his podcast, Tubby calls WLP a federal informant (repeating the smear embedded in his book Hill of the Ravens).

      June 2011: In his podcast, Tubby calls WLP a coward, saying that he "did everything he could to distance himself from" Robert Jay Mathews.

    3. By the way, Tubby has frequently posted on his blog fake comments from prominent former members of the National Alliance (from the period when Dr. Pierce was running it) to the effect that these former members were now supporting Tubby's Northwest Front. In every instance, the person named has strenuously denied supporting Tubby.

      Ron Doggett

      Fred Streed

      Evelyn Hill

      Bob Demarais, I confirmed through telephone contact, did not make the comments on Covington's blog that are attributed to him.

    4. Stupid comment? I am not the one along with the rest of the geriatric bunch claiming to be WN's sitting all day long behind a keyboard criticizing the comment's of others. Now, let's get down to brass tax, you and your geriatric colleagues have done exactly what in the last sixty or so years? Ah that's right...newspaper clippings, bitch fests, keyboarding, etc. Like you everything you have posted is null, kind of like the last sixty or so years of your generations alleged leadership...right into the toilet. Someone call the local geriatric home and advise them some grandpa is on the computer again.

  6. Ah I see the goat dancers are out and about. Every time Covington does anything like this
    all the trolls come out and gibber. You know your ovr the target when you start getting flak.

    1. Hey Harold, you slipped up here. I said hi to your sockpuppet "George" and you responded through your sockpuppet "Joseph Swanson." Gotta be more careful about that.

    2. Nope, not Harold, looks like you slipped up by assuming.

  7. I really don't think people understand why white people exist. It's not a coincidence that black people or brown people come from warmer climates. You put any race in a colder climate for 50,000 years, and their skin color will reflect that change. You could wipe out all white people now, and eventually white pigmentation would resurface in colder climates.

    Wipe out all brown people, and that pigmentation would resurface in those warmer climates.

    Now if instead of white people, you pointed to a an actual race, instead of color, like Irish, that would not come back if wiped out, but new white races would come about.

    1. Irish are not a race. They are a nationality first and an ethnicity within a race.

    2. What race are they then? Whatever race that is, you get the point.

    3. No I do not get your ill conceived point. I am not going to interpret vagueness.

    4. If you don't get my point try thinking a little. White is not a race, it is the color of skin people eventually get if they spend tens of thousands of years in a northern environment. Caucasian is an actual race, but even many Indians are Caucasian, so I'm assuming white nationalists don't want nationalism for Caucasians, at least not non-white ones.

      They mean groups like Irish, Swedish, English, Scottish, etc. Those that have white skin, which the only reason more don't have white skin, is cause their ancestors didn't live in Europe for tens of thousands of years. Whiteness isn't going to go away, it can always come back. The only thing at threat of going away is Irish, Swedish, English, Scottish, etc.

      The only reason they blanket it under white is cause it makes for a stronger base of support. But whiteness isn't going extinct.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. “You put any race in a colder climate for 50,000 years, and their skin color will reflect that change.” But NOT their biology. There will be blacks with white skin walking around but will still be black on the inside and still have black features. We have something like that now. There are black albinos in Africa that are killed simply because of their skin color. Finally I have researched your claim and it is a “belief” NOT a fact.

  8. Astonishing video, Ram. Your best ever. Now we are talking business.

  9. Wow, Ramzpaul, you and I were up in the Pacific Northwest at the same time! Kizmet. :)

    I was there for a family vacation. I'll be honest with you, I don't have a lot of experience with the NW, but when we were in Seattle (where we spent most of our time), it didn't look very white to me. There are huge numbers of Asians there, as well as many other ethnic groups. This was downtown Seattle, not far from the Space Needle. English spoken probably 60 to 70 percent of the time on the streets. The rest was assorted other languages - not all Spanish, like you might think.

    The hotel we stayed at had many Asian guests - whether foreign travelers or not, I don't know, but many had poor English skills. All were polite and prosperous looking, however. So it seems to me that the NW has some things going against it as a WN homeland. Washington state, according to wiki, has 14 percentage points less (non-hispanic) white people than my state (and many other states), and Seattle is far too non-white to be part of any sort of homeland, based on what I saw. It now seems to have as many non-whites as Vancouver, BC. We were up here many years ago and the amount of change in Seattle seems dramatic to me. Maybe eastern WA and OR are what you guys are talking about. Near Idaho. That's a pretty white region. I'm NOT saying this to depress anyone. I'm just telling you what I saw.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In support of what Jim says, on 10 November 2012 Carolyn Yeager asked John de Nugent his view of the current prospect for an independent White homeland in the Northwest, and he said this:

      "I’ll say this. I’ve been out to the Pacific Northwest many times. Oh God, is it beautiful out there: the mountains, and the beach, and the rocks along the beach. It used to be a lot of beautiful Scandinavians out there as well as a lot of good German-Americans and British stock. And 30, 40, 50 years ago, yeah, when they first were promoting this idea, and you know, Robert Mathews and his Order people … IT MADE A LOT OF SENSE BACK THEN.

      "That area is FULL OF MEXICANS TODAY. It’s FULL OF CHINESE. It’s FULL OF HOMOS. It’s FULL OF JEWS. You know, the area is INUNDATED with Third-Worlders today. Wake up and smell the coffee!

      "And the White people there are the MOST LIBERAL!"

    3. True. Any viable alternatives???? Anything? Nothing? that's what I thought. Oh wait, there is that "educate and enlighten" white people plan. Great, that is all we need more videos more books more lectures more blah blah blah. Great idea. Really, great idea.


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