
Showing posts from September, 2014

How To Make a YouTube Video - RAMZPAUL

One of my subscribers wanted to know how I made my YouTube videos. I thought other people might be interested in a "behind the scenes" video of how I make my videos. A few of my rules: 1. Keep the videos topical I pretty much only do videos about recent stories. For example, I would not do a video about my position on abortion unless there was an abortion story in the news. This was advice I learned from Rush Limbaugh. 2. Publish on a regular basis People are creatures of habit. They like to know when to expect a video or a blog update. And it takes discipline to maintain the schedule. Most of the time I am not really in a mood to make a video. But I force myself to publish on a schedule. And I find when I actually start to make the video I get back in the mood. 3. Keep videos short Most people don't want to watch a 15 minute video. 4. Keep it authentic One of my first videos was about The Truth. The videos are my art and my soul. Never disrespect your audience by not bei...

Mexican Flag Flying in America

Tressy Capps got in trouble when she confronted a Mexican family flying a Mexican flag in California. However, she confronted the wrong people. The people she should have confronted were those who radically changed our immigration laws. The Mexican family moved to the USA because they wanted the high standard of living that is associated with White countries. They flew the Mexican flag because they racially related to Mexicans. Both positions are understandable and natural. And despite Tressy Capps' protests, this was a racial issue. I doubt that she would have complained if I flew a Scottish flag at my home. The truth is she knows that European immigrants are better for the United States than immigrants from Mexico. Tressy wants to live around English speaking people who share the same basic values. But Tressy's appeal to the American flag was a mistake. For America was founded on a radical form of egalitarianism. It is just the logical progression of that philosophy that has ...

It's on us: Never Blame The Victim

The current "It's on us" campaign stresses that we should never blame the victim. But what does that mean? That we should not blame the girl if she get raped while wearing a short skirt? I agree. But who really does blame the girl in such a situation? I have never seen that. I have a hunch that what feminist mean is: "Don't blame the victim" = "Never doubt or question a rape accusation". But do women ever lie about rape?

With Clowns We Go Down

Craig Cobb's follies have been out of the news. So the mainstream media was in need for another "white supremacist" to put on the usual song and dance routine for the amusement of their audience. Robert Ransdell has fulfilled that need with his senate campaign in the state of Kentucky. Robert came up with the campaign slogan "With Jews You Lose" (clever). He also refers to Blacks as "savages"  much to the delight of the mainstream media. For these actions help to reinforce the "Hollywood Nazi" cliche that they like to associate with all Nationalists. l Let's take a trip down White Nationalist memory lane. Hal Turner was a famous "white supremacist".  One of his quotes: "Jews love to complain about the 'Holocaust.' Let me tell you, there was no Holocaust in World War 2 -- but rest assured, there most certainly IS GOING TO BE ...


I believe that Obama is the first hash tag President. Obama seems to think he is still a "community organizer" and a Social Justice Warrior. As such, he prefers various vapid public relation stunts to serious legislation. The current hysteria is that of rape on college campuses. While there is no evidence of any such "rape epidemic" it never hurts to posture and do some moral preening. The War on Women and that sort of thing. What is hilarious is how SERIOUS all these celebrities take these faux causes. A month from now this will be forgotten and they will be on their next feel good moral crusade. Of course, anyone that is not mentally retarded can realize that a real rapist is not going to give a damn about some stupid pledge and a T-shirt. There are already serious criminal penalties for real rape. This is just a chance for the usual morons to preen about how "enlightened" and "progressive" they are by wearing some fucking T-shirt.


On a political level I support Scottish independence as I am a nationalist. On a personal level, I support Scotland as that is my heritage. My only hope is that the Scottish people can resist the European Union's attempted genocide of the Scottish people through mass immigration. DUNDEE, Scotland — At the main office of the campaign for independence here, Jimmy Black, a local councilor for the Scottish National Party, described how supporters had distributed about 150,000 leaflets in the last three months, created websites and a half-dozen Facebook accounts, and handed out thousands of Scottish flags, or Saltires. Below is a video that describes what is happening in "diverse" England. Parts of London are now no-go areas for the English. Unbelievable. I always liked this anthem. O flower of Scotland When will we see your like again That fought and died for Your wee bit hill and gle...

Swedish politician slammed for posting Duke video

An Arab politician in Sweden got in hot water for posting a David Duke video. Dayana Jadarian — who is running for Swedish parliament and calls herself ‘smart, sharp and gorgeous’ on Twitter — said she was unaware David Duke was a former Ku Klux Klan leader, though the claimed on the post she agreed with his controversial views. As a side note - "smart, sharp and gorgeous" girls have no need to describe themselves as such. What is interesting is how a non-White immigrant to an European country would feel comfortable posting a David Duke video. But to be fair, Miss Jadarian had no idea that Duke was pro-White. From watching his videos she assumed that he was just an anti-Zionist and pro Muslim. Yeah, that is a problem. I believe to be successful, a movement needs to have a positive focus. A positive focus would include a strategy of how to obtain self-...

Should Roger Goodell spank Adrian Peterson?

Adrian Peterson, a NFL running back, was arrested for child abuse. It seems Adrian hit his son with a switch as a form of punishment. When I was a kid spankings were common. I was spanked at school and at home. If a mark was not left, it was considered not to be an effective spanking. But I never thought spankings worked. At least it did not work for me. I am still getting in trouble for mocking the wrong people. So the beatings did not help. Roger Goodell is the NFL commissioner.  Poor Roger has done everything in an attempt to appease Social Justice Warrior crowd. Hell, he forces all the football players to wear pink in October in an attempt to appease the feminists. However, that appeasement was not enough when he handed down only a two game suspension when Ray Rice hit his then fiance. The police did not arrest Ray Rice. And Ray's fiance did not want the matter pursued. Despite this, the feminists were crying for blood. So Roger begged for forgiveness and increased the suspensi...

President Barack Obama ISIL Speech

President Obama outlines his strategy to fight ISIS/ISIL. It pretty much consists of: 1. Bombing people 2. Give weapons to "moderate" rebels This is the strategy we have used for the last 50 years. No reason to stop now. The bombing provides some really kick-ass videos of bridges and trucks exploding. America - don't fuck with us! This makes us feel so good after a night of watching football and drinking beer. It also helps the economy by providing more "defense" contracts. After all, all these cool missiles and drones don't come free. And sending weapons to the "good" Muslims helps to prepare for the next generation of terrorists. For mysteriously, the "good" Muslim rebels always seem to morph into tomorrow's terrorist organizations.  But no one is really to blame. How could anyone predict that such a thing could happen? So we fund the Syrian rebels to fight Assad. We need to fight Assad as he is the next Hitler. If we don't arm ...

I Support Ray Rice!

There has been a frenzy of hate today against Ray Rice. It reminds me of a good old fashioned witch hunt. Everyone is trying to one up each other expressing their SHOCK and HORROR and OUTRAGE over some football player punching his fiance. (As Ray Rice is Black, the White social justice warriors had to wait to see if it was safe to condemn this attack. Once they saw other Blacks expressing their outrage over this incident, they felt safe to jump on the band wagon of hate). While I don't support hitting a woman, I figure if the woman does not object, it is none of my business.  His brutal attack did not stop the wedding. She sleeps in bed every night with her attacker. So I am not sure why I am supposed to White Knight for her. It is also humorous to see all these people exclaim horror of a man hitting a woman. Mind you, these are the same people that claim men and women are interchangeable and everything is a social construct. Women are just a strong and capable as men. Women are ju...

What War Machine Can Teach Us About Love

War Machine beat up his porn star girlfriend, Christy Mack. Mr. Machine was shocked to discover that Miss Mack was not faithful. (Who could ever suspect a whore of being unfaithful?). Mr. Machine fancied himself as an "Alpha Male". I guess Alpha males are OK with their women screwing men for money. But screwing a man for free is cheating. The modern morality is quite confusing, And poor Miss Mack had no idea that her bad boy, steroid pumped boyfriend would ever lay a hand on her. I am sure her next boyfriend will be a nice and kind gentleman. So what does this mean? Trash always finds trash. If you want to be successful in life, avoid the losers. He does Alpha Male shit.

How would Dracula deal with ISIS?

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson made the claim we need to either convert or kill ISIS. Shocking! Of course, all the great European leaders of Europe would have agreed with him without a second thought. Western Civilization was made possible by defeating Islam in Europe. What amazes me is how many so called "white nationalists" seem to ignore the Islamic threat to Europe. 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson on ISIS: ‘Convert them or kill them’ The A&E reality TV star shared his opinions about the Islamic State terrorists, formerly known as ISIS, with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday. He compared the extremist group to ‘street thugs on steroids’ and said ‘we’re going to have to deal with this group way more harshly than we have up to this point.’ Read more:

Feminists oppose rape prevention nail polish

Some college kids invented a nail polish that can detect "rape drugs" in a drink. While this is a nice idea, in reality is is very rare for a man to put a rape drug in a drink. In most of the cases in which the woman passes out, it is due to the alcohol, not an exotic drug. A recent study determined that men sneaking drugs into unsuspecting drinks is pretty much an urban myth. Nevertheless, if women fear being drugged they now have a easy and safe option to prevent such a thing. Who could object? Feminists, of course. Why would feminists object to giving women an option to detect a rape drug? Some theories: 1. The nail polish was invented by men - not an empowered woman 2. Feminists really don't care about preventing rape 3. Feminism is just a front group for Cultural Marxists. They don...