How To Make a YouTube Video - RAMZPAUL

One of my subscribers wanted to know how I made my YouTube videos. I thought other people might be interested in a "behind the scenes" video of how I make my videos.

A few of my rules:

1. Keep the videos topical

I pretty much only do videos about recent stories. For example, I would not do a video about my position on abortion unless there was an abortion story in the news. This was advice I learned from Rush Limbaugh.

2. Publish on a regular basis

People are creatures of habit. They like to know when to expect a video or a blog update. And it takes discipline to maintain the schedule. Most of the time I am not really in a mood to make a video. But I force myself to publish on a schedule. And I find when I actually start to make the video I get back in the mood.

3. Keep videos short

Most people don't want to watch a 15 minute video.

4. Keep it authentic

One of my first videos was about The Truth. The videos are my art and my soul. Never disrespect your audience by not being honest.

Oh, my next video will be on Wednesday from Budapest. I am travelling on Monday.


  1. Yeah, don't talk about Jewish power and practice a happy smiley face white nationalism that doesn't identify and fight back against our main enemies.


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