
Showing posts from June, 2015

Obama: Americans need to shift religious views

Obama made a statement (i.e., threat) that "Americans need to shift their religious views" and accept homosexual "marriage". The idea that an American President would make any such religious threats is mind boggling. Because the unasked question is  - what happens if Americans choose not to change their religious views? Based on the experience of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries under Communism, we know the answer to that question. The answer is brutal and bloody. The United States no longer exists. Yes, the name is still the same. And the same flag flies. But the principles that founded this nation are long gone. Our goal, and hope, is establishing a new country for our people. The United States cannot be reformed. It is dead and gone.

Should Gone With The Wind be burned?

The usual suspects are frothing at the mouth calling for censorship, book burning and grave desecration. They are pretty much following the same pattern that they established during the Red Terror in Russia and Eastern Europe. People thought that such a thing could never happen in the USA. Well, yeah, they were wrong. During my trips to Eastern Europe I talked to many people who experienced this Trotsky shit. And they warned me that the USA was going down the same path. The actions of our enemy don't surprise me. They never change their spots. What I find disgusting is the so called "conservatives" who grovel in hopes they will win favor with the Marxists. The lack of spine from most of these "men" is mind boggling. How in the fuck did these men: Morph into this? Fucking collaborators. From history we learn that the Marxists will ruthlessly dispose of such collaborators when they are done with them. Marxists always love a good old fashioned book burning: http://...

Should the Confederate Flag be banned?

Richard Cohn of the SPLC is leading the charge to ban the Confederate Flag. I guess his logic is as follows: 1. Dylann Roof murdered 9 people 2. Murdering 9 people is evil 3. Dylann Roof was seen in a picture with a Confederate flag 4. Therefore, the Confederate Flag must be evil 5. Evil things (such a flag) must be banned. As an American, I personally don't believe any ideas or symbols should be banned. But Mr. Cohn must be channeling the spirit of his ancestors (such as Bella Kun aka "Cohn") who launched the Red Terror across Eastern Europe. But what I don't understand is the inconsistency of his logic.  Because in 1946, Zionist terrorists massacred 91 people at the King David Hotel. These Zionists waved the Star of David flag. So I would think consistent logic would state: 1. A Zionist terror cell killed 91 innocent people 2. Murdering 91 people is evil 3. These Zionists were seen with the Star of David flag 4. Therefore, the Star of David flag must be evil 5. Amaz...

Is NBC responsible for the South Carolina Shootings?

In Dylann Roof's manifesto (you can find in my previous post) Dylann mentioned that the website of the Council of Conservative Citizens  (CofCC) helped him understand the epidemic of Black on White violent crime. The national media typically ignores Black on White violent crime. Local news will cover such crime, but the reporters are instructed (based on AP style guidelines) to not mention the race if the killer is Black. Typically the media now uses code words such as "teen" or "youth" no matter if the killer is 45 years old. The CofCC links to such news stories to give national exposure to crimes that are otherwise hushed up. The CofCC does not write the stories. They just report the facts and the truth. Yet, somehow, the Leftists insist that CofCC is responsible for the shooting for just linking to true stories. Yet these same people ignore that fact that Roof himself stated that it was the Trayvon Martin case that was his primary motivation for his shooting....

Dylann Roof's Manifesto Released

Dylann Roof's manifesto was released. (Do other races ever release manifestos? Seems like such a White thing.) Is is interesting that people on the Right are trying to claim that Dylann was obviously insane or on drugs. But the manifesto did not really seem like the rant of an insane man. The motivation of his attack was clear - he felt his people were under attack and he had an obligation to strike back. It is also interesting that he was not raised "racist". His racial views were formed based on his real life experience with African Americans. If the government was smart they would cease trying to demonize Whites. If they had a program of treating people equally this would defuse much of the anger. But the Left is never smart. I am sure that the Left will respond with even greater anti-White rhetoric and calls for censorship. More classroom material will be aimed at degrading and humiliating White kids. This will only increase tensions and create more kids like Dylann R...

South Carolina Church Shooting

When Whites are killed by Blacks the usual spin from the media is that it is sad, but the victims were just "in the wrong place at the wrong time". They collectively shrug their shoulders and quickly bury the story. They are also very careful never to mention race of the killers. The media tends to use words such as "youths" or "teens" instead. Also the media is quick to emphasize that we must forgive the killers. And it would be very racist to assume that they represent the behavior of an entire race. And it was probably evil "white privilege" that caused these poor youths to kill in the first place. Of course, when the races are reversed the coverage is non-stop and international. The race of the shooter is immediately noted. The motivation of the crime is also determined before the suspect is even captured. And all Whites are expected to bow their heads...

A Modern Joan of Arc

The Marxist mayor of Paris commissioned an anti-White wall mural in Paris. The mural below crossed out the slogan that France belongs to the French. In its place the mural stated that French women belong to Africans. The point of this "art" was to demoralize and mock the native French. Then one day a young French girl showed up with a can of spray paint, a stool and a camera. She modified the painting. She crossed out "Africans" and replaced it "Frenchmen". She also used the word "Collabos" which means "collaborator" or "traitor". She topped it off with the English phrase: "Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White". Unlike Femen which is composed of (literal) whores paid for by George Sorros and the Ford Foundation, this is real resistance. She had the courage to attack this anti-White ...

Tim Hunt - That is NOT Funny!

The Social Justice Warriors continue their attack on scientists. Previously, the feminists were OUTRAGED when a space scientist wore a tacky shirt at a press conference. This "triggered" the strong and empowered women. So he was forced to apologize and cry. The Shirt that "triggered" feminists Now Tim Hunt, a Nobel prize winner, was attacked. The reason was for this tongue in cheek joke: “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry.” Enemy of Humanity! This statement caused the feminists to cry. Because this joke hurt their delicate feelings, Tim was forced to resign. In a totalitarian society humor is not allowed. This is because the nature of humor is t...

#WrongSkin - Troll of the year

Grodfrey Elfwick wins the RAMZPAUL troll of the year award. Sadly, proficient trolling has become almost a thing of the past. Now much "trolling" is just mean spirited people acting like retards. But good trolling is a type of satirical performance art. And Elfwick is a master artist. The problem Cultural Marxists have is that if race is just a social construct, why can't people choose their race? After all, people are now allowed to choose their gender. That may sound good on paper, but how would racial preferences (such as affirmative action) work? Racial preferences can't really work if everyone is allowed to claim to be black. So Social Justice Warriors are now reduced to determining racial hygiene. How much "black" do you have to be to get preferential treatment from corporations and the government? 50%? 10%? 100%? Do Social Justice Warriors ascribe to the "one drop rule"?

Alice in Progressive Wonderland

Just a story about a girl named Alice. Her father was a gay sperm donor. Her mother was a lesbian who married another woman. When she was three her mother went insane and was put in a mental institution. Her mother's lesbian lover got custody of Alice. The lesbian lover divorced her mom and married another woman. This woman then became a man and called herself "daddy" to Alice.  The woman who pretended to be a man then had an affair with another man. And this woman/man wants partial custody of Alice. Because she has explained to little Alice that she is also probably a boy trapped in the body of a girl. Social Justice Warriors see nothing wrong with this scenario. Update: I killed that damn spider. Found him in my bathroom.

McKinney Pool Party!

Another racial incident involving the police was in the news. It seems that some "teens" crashed a pool part and violence erupted (who could of guessed?). The police were called and a White police officer was seen tackling a bikini wearing youth. This caused the usual OUTRAGE from the usual suspects. But some of the neighbors have claimed that the party was not peaceful and the police were required to restore order.

Mattress Girl Makes An Art Video

Emma Sulkowicz was a student at Columbia University who claimed she was raped. The police investigated and did not press charges. Even the Soviet style kangaroo courts of the university could not bring themselves to expel the man accused. (In the modern university, men are considered guilty until proven innocent). To protest this outrage Emma decided to haul her mattress around college. This was the mattress that she had anal sex on. This mattress became a rallying symbol for feminists across the nation. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand invited Emma to attend the State of the Union address. This was to raise awareness of the "rape culture" in America. The only problem is that this was not really a rape. Emma consented to sex. And the days after the "rape" she texted  her rapist that she loved him and missed him. After he ignored her, she decided that she was rape. Emma decided the nex...

How to Change Your Life

Bruce Jenner was celebrated for making "the change" from a man to a woman. Of course, such a change is biologically impossible. He is just a man who dresses up like a woman. But we are all supposed to deny reality and play along with this fiction. But a physical change based on surgery is easy. It is much harder to change who you are as a person. And most people never do change. They may want to change, but it is just a fantasy. The wall was too high as you can see. No matter how he tried he could not break free. And the worms ate into his brain. (Listened to too much Pink Floyd in my youth). Years ago, a program called 7-Up was created in Britain. It documented the lives of some 7 year old children in 1964. The experiment was to see if the personalities of the children would change when they grew older. The answer was no. The majority of us really do not change.  The person you are at 7 years old is basically who you will be at 35. If you were a fuck up at 7, you will be a f...


People ask what was my favorite video. This. Yeah,,, my artistic vid.

Caitlyn Jenner - Wins Courage Award

Bruce Jenner, the former Olympic Athlete, has decided to dress in drag and pretend to be a girl. For the courageous accomplishment is he receiving Arthur Ashe award for courage. But I am not sure how it is that courageous as all of the mainstream media is fawning over him.