A Modern Joan of Arc

The Marxist mayor of Paris commissioned an anti-White wall mural in Paris. The mural below crossed out the slogan that France belongs to the French. In its place the mural stated that French women belong to Africans.

The point of this "art" was to demoralize and mock the native French.

Then one day a young French girl showed up with a can of spray paint, a stool and a camera. She modified the painting.

She crossed out "Africans" and replaced it "Frenchmen". She also used the word "Collabos" which means "collaborator" or "traitor".

She topped it off with the English phrase:

"Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White".


Unlike Femen which is composed of (literal) whores paid for by George Sorros and the Ford Foundation, this is real resistance.

She had the courage to attack this anti-White propaganda in broad daylight while on video. Inspiring!

I am sort of fond of French girls. That Night Elf dance!


  1. Wow, she’s awesome.
    In the lesinrocks article you link to, they refer to those disagreeing with the original mural as “extreme right.” This is the strategy of those in the French mainstream to dismiss and deligitimze any ideas that don’t toe to the desired narrative, and allows them to avoid debating certain issues. It’s been an extremely effective strategy for them for a long time.
    Still, despite this, every election the Front National gets more and more votes. Here’s to hoping that strategy eventually fails.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Also it’s worth noting that the artist of the original mural is the same one who got beat up by Muslims for painting a coexist mural. I’m betting he didn’t learn the lesson.

  3. That's Electre in that video, tagging that mural. She's also a porn star. :) And she's tweeting your name, RamZ: https://twitter.com/electreismore She's delighted that she got a mention on your site (and a couple other sites). I wonder if she'll be visiting this site to see your vid?

  4. I am sure she will watch my vid. I previously had another porn star (Mercedes Carrera) watch and comment on a vid of mine.

    I tend to attract... unusual people.

    1. You tend to attract very intelligent, attractive non-conformists and dissidents.

    2. "I tend to attract... unusual people."

      No surprise there. You're interesting, and it's like you invented irony. :)

    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8YR9IV9Alc

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  6. Fighting along-side one's mates in battle .... that's not real courage.

    For this girl to go out on her own, in full public view, and stand up for what she believes in against the baying brainwashed politically corrupted masses........that's raw courage. How I envy her.

  7. NSFW https://8ch.net/pol/src/1434626136942.jpg

  8. I wish her video had an English translation/subtitles. I am curious as to what the African gentleman had to say about it.

  9. Great admiration for the girl. But what strikes me is the original poster. The claim that French women are for African men seems almost designed to outrage Gallic male pride and thus totally counter-productive?.


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