NRO and Salon Fight Pedophobia
Now that we have reached peak sodomy, the next Social Justice frontier looks to be defending and normalizing pedophiles. And, no, I am not talking about a 25 year old man who is attracted to 16 year old girls. This is a man sexually attracted to 7 year old girls. Such a pedophile wrote about his "condition" on Salon magazine. Of course the poor guy assures us he would never illegally act on his feelings (who would doubt the word of a pedophile?) But he has this "condition" that we must understand. You know, he was born this way and we should accept him as he is (sound familiar?). The cuckservatives at National Review Online were quick to defend such a nuanced and heartfelt article from this self professed pedo. National Review won't tolerate the extremism of John Darbyshire, but pedos seem to be fine and dandy.