Donald Trump with Stephen Colbert - No Apologies

You can't stump the Trump.

Donald Trump was on the Late Show hosted by the left wing comedian Stephen Colbert. As such, it was hostile territory but Trump handled it like a boss.

One of the goals was an attempt to get Trump to apologize. Apologize about ANYTHING. It triggers the Social Justice Warriors that Trump refuses to apologize and grovel on demand. After dealing with National Review styled Republican cucks for years, Trump's type of confidence and strength confuses the Left and makes them a little scared. Why won't Trump apologize like a good and respectable Republican?

Vox Day wrote about why the Left needs apologies:


  1. I wonder if Democrats will still be demanding an apology from Trump about the birther thing, now that the news has come out that it was actually Hillary who started all that (when she was campaigning against Obama for the Dems nomination back in 2008).

    1. I don't think the birther thing has any legs. Trump just re-framed that attack by talking about other issues.

  2. If you ever apologize then do it so that it makes you stronger. Trump could have apologized for not running four or eight years ago.

    1. The modern apology is similar to "confessions" that were extracted during Soviet show trials.

  3. It seems like apology is a form of primate submission-signalling. It only ever means anything when you apologize to someone you love, someone who actually means something to you - your wife, for example. Other than that it is a fear-mediated submissive behaviour to people who really mean nothing to you except as a threat.


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