It was reported in the news that a vicious criminal stole 150 bowling balls from Thurston’s Restaurant bowling alley in New York. Of course, I was curious as to why anyone would want to steal 150 bowling balls. Is there an active black market for crappy bowling balls? And how would a thief manage to remove 150 bowling balls in the middle of the night? Did he have a truck to carry the bowling ball loot? I can’t imagine that someone could fit 150 bowling balls in a car.
As part of the RAMZPAUL’s in-depth investigations, I looked deeper into the mysterious case of the Bowling Ball Caper.
The foreign kid on That 70s Show, out bowling with the group of kids, walks up to his friends holding two bowling balls, one dark blue and one black: "Hey everybody! My balls are black and blue!"
President Obama was disappointed that the Olympic Committee decided not to choose Chicago as the venue for the 2016 Olympics. As President Obama was formerly a successful “community organizer” in Chicago, this defeat must have been especially disappointing. Part of the reason that Chicago may not have been selected is due to how Violence has stricken much of the city. Just a couple of days ago a Chicago student videotaped a murder of an honor student. (As a side note, it seems to be especially dangers to be a Black honor student. In the stories linked below, all the victims happened to be honor students.) Link to raw video: http://www.myfox...
OKCupid revealed some interesting statistical data based on dating preferences and race. The higher the number, the greater the interest. For example, Asian men rate Asian women 11% higher that a neutral rating. However, Asian men have no interest (-24%) in black women. What is interesting is that White men now prefer Asian women (18%) over White women (5%). In 2009 White men still preferred White women (10%) over Asian women (6%). It is a rough world for Asian men and Black women. Only Asian women like Asian men. And not even Black men like Black women. Many Eurasian men are now despondent about their situation. White girls typically do not like Asian men. And Asian girls either want an Asian man or a White man. https://longingfordeath.wor...
Interesting article about MTV's show Catfish. Jezebel complains that it encourages "Lookism". The Jezebel writer:
The foreign kid on That 70s Show, out bowling with the group of kids, walks up to his friends holding two bowling balls, one dark blue and one black: "Hey everybody! My balls are black and blue!"
ReplyDeleteAhhh... the jokes that are possible with bowling! :-) I think the lady I was interviewing started to also play along.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, my first thought was that it had to be someone without any. Right?