Eggs are Rape!

It seems that PETA is using the murder of abortionist George Tiller to raise awareness of the evil of eating eggs. As part of their anti-egg campaign, PETA has women sit in cages to symbolize the plight of chickens.

I personally approve of this sort of protest.


  1. Ramzpaul, this is no joke. I'm actually sitting here eating a plate of scrambled eggs! Now I just need to find some chicks!

  2. Very funny vid! So wrong taking advantage of the retarded like that though lol

    Never dreamed there would be a sequel to rain juggling. I love watching you juggle ;D

  3. Yeah, juggling with eggs is high risk, as you saw in the video. If the PETA girls see my video they will be forced to crawl back into their cages.

  4. ramzpaul, off topic and just out of curiosity. Are there any politicians in the USA with facial hair? I notice you've got some. I'm working on growing a beard. I think this is another masculine element that they want to eliminate from the pussified/effeminate West.

  5. No, politicians rarely have facial hair because it scares women voters. Once women got the vote, the facial hair disappeared on politicians.

    I am not running for office, so I don’t care who I offend.

  6. Those PeTA chicks sure look sad in those cages. Perhaps I can go in there with them and cheer them up. Anything for animal rights.

  7. I must say I do prefer the PETA protests to NOW protests. Just saying...

  8. I think that PETA is definitely on to something when they hire strippers to represent their cause. The conservatives should be doing that.

  9. Those girls are doing it because they love chickens. I am offended you think they could possibly do such a thing for money or attention. ;-)

  10. Chickens aren't the brightest critters on the planet, and veganism is retarded, but the way your ordinary industrial egglayers are kept really *is* a disgrace.


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