Toronto digitally adds black guy to Fun Guide

Below is a funny story of political correctness in Canada. It seems that the Toronto City magazine digitally altered a picture of a family so that it would include a smiling Black guy. The smiling black head is just a stock picture of a guy that has never actually been in Canada.

The smiling, ethnically diverse family featured on the cover of Toronto's latest edition of its summer Fun Guide was digitally altered to make the photo more "inclusive," which city officials say is in keeping with a policy to reflect diversity.

Here is the original picture:

Here is the politically correct version:


  1. You're right, there are no girls on the internet & 3:37 white guys should give head, alot of it :3 lol. I think if diversity is the goal they should hire diverse models rather than shooping them in. But then again I'm one of the retarded subs, so...

  2. It's not even GOOD photoshopping! The kid's hand seems disembodied and floating in space. Plus the black guy seems to be leering at the woman.

  3. 3 Hispanics and a black is "inclusive". Sounds about right. After all, everyone already knows there are white people in Canada. No need to show them. Anywhere. Ever.

  4. OK, this time you've gone too far Ramz. I mean, a joke's a joke, but getting your audience to fall off its chair laughing is just not funny!!! Now I've got a sore bum.


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