Oil, Signs and Diversity Police

In Britain a man was threatened with arrest because he has a sign that the police deemed to be “racist.” (In England you can be arrested for having the wrong political thoughts.)


Here is a picture of him groveling and pleading his case to the cultural Marxists.

And here in the good old land of Freedom, a professor was removed from a committee designed to solve the oil spill because he does not hold the acceptable political beliefs.

Professor dumped from oil spill team over writings

A St. Louis scientist who was among a select group picked by the Obama administration to pursue a solution to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been removed from the group because of writings on his website, the U.S. Energy Department confirmed Wednesday.



  1. Long time, no talk. Hey man, I look over a lot of material on the internet, and of course there's no way to cover it all, or to even catch it all. This is a GREAT story, your commentary is also great. I'm going to grab a little of what you said here for my show on Monday (and bleep a couple words - no offense). This story here that you have commented on is exactly what you lay out - the precursor for America to the same thing they are now doing in Great Britain. Thanks for finding this.


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