A Tale of Two Earthquakes

Comparing the Japanese and Haitian earthquakes gives us an insight as to people and civilizations.

Japanese response to earthquake:


Haitian response to earthquake



  1. Not so brilliant, really.
    A. Demographic profiles. What is the average age of population in Japan versus in Haiti? You do know that Japanese culture is dying, because they aren't reproducing.
    B. Japan was occupied by American troops and governed by us for 5 years. Even though it didn't go as far as it should have (due to the cold war) the US occupation led to massive cultural changes in Japan. We also poured tens of billions of dollars into Japan to help them rebuild after the war. So no, they didn't do everything themselves.
    C. Japan's society (while arguably failing at its most important task ..that of reproduction..like all so-called advanced societies are)is very well-ordered has a tradition of both duty and almost absolute obedience to superiors. It's a very nationalistic culture to the extent that Koreans who have been in Japan for 3 generations are sometimes not considered to be "really" Japanese. This nationalism makes the Japanese work together as a nation.
    D. Japanese people are invested in their society and see benefits from it for them. They have a "stake" in it. What "stake" does your average Haitian have in his society?
    E. Differences in education, not just formal schooling but also disaster preparedness. Last I heard, this was taught in Japanese public schools. I'm willing to bet Haitians get nothing of the equivalent.
    F. Yes, poverty matters when it comes to recovering from disasters. Japan has many ways of getting resources both internally and from the world at large where it has many friends and trading partners. Haiti, not so much.

    It's a combination of culture, demographics, and poverty that largely explains the differences between the two countries.

  2. A. If Japan is what a dying society looks like and Haiti looks like an alive one, count me among the living dead.

    B. True, American foreign policy regarding Japan worked to that country's benefit tremendously, AND the Japanese were capable of building upon that tremendous amount of aid, even giving the US a run for its money in many economic sectors. Point: The Japanese are just fucking capable critters who invested their aid wisely---and in a way that was often contrary to U.S. wishes (see the Keiretsu political-economic system).

    C. You're making ethnic nationalism sound competent. Thanks.

    D. Chicken and egg. Culture and results.

    E. Agreed, but I'm not sure if Haitians have the IQ points to withstand both the education before and the necessary organization during the real deal.

    F. Poverty does matter, but so too does the idea of IQ and The Wealth of Nations.

  3. Here's a news story demonstrating both the difference between the Japanese and African-American mentality and another Twitter blunder:


  4. Syncretism:

    Dead is dead whether its Haiti or Japan.The victors of the future will be those that show up, and Japan has apparently not chosen that path.And human is human too - let there be yet another disaster in Japan on top of the ones already straining the emergency management services of the country to the breaking point and see what doesn't happen. I already see signs of people breaking under the strain in Japan and this doesn't surprise me. Humans aren't gods, after all.

    The arrogance of some HBD'er's and some racists (sometimes they are one and the same)is rather astounding. It's one thing to point out potential group differences in intelligence in the present day , but beyond using this is an excuse for hatred or bigotry and low expectations they do not go. It's bad enough they use these alleged differences in intelligence as excuses for not showing human compassion but then they compound this by making the following factual and intellectual errors:

    A. Factual: Humans have evolved and will continue to evolve. Humans also evolve far faster than one might think in relation to various selection pressures. Needless to say this would drive an intelligent racist nuts: after all, one can't count on the blacks or jews or whatever your targeted hate group is always maintaining the same traits over time.
    B. Factual : environmental effects do seem to have some effect on progeny. This isn't absolutely proven yet, but it's looking more and more likely that a form of modified lamarckism is correct after all. Thus, at least to a point it almost certainly matters what intellectual and physical environment your targeted ethnic group grows up in.
    C. Intellectual error: totally ignoring the effects if any amount of genetic engineering takes place. I look for China to begin doing so in the next 20 to 40 years.

    In short, biology is hardly destiny, and ANY culture that fails to reproduce itself is a failed culture no matter how pleasant it might be to look at or live in. I might also add a little less freaking hubris, and a little more compassion might go a long way towards making this world a better place. Comparing poor ignorant abused Haitians to a first world country like Japan or even a place like New Orleans (where arguably the looting and other things were the least defensible of all) and trying to make a moral parable about it is rather disgusting.

  5. Clarence Comments, you’re absolutely right. I’ll change. I’ll put down everything I’ve held for so long and follow your superior moral compass.

    Putting down my former life, I will now pick up yours, which is little more than a flail for use across my own white back for 5-minutes of self-hate every hour of every day. Since I ordered the world to be built upon dark people’s backs, I will now finish the world, one strike at a time, on my own.

    This means so much to me.

    Please respond soon.

  6. I don’t think the Japanese are going anywhere.

    In is funny, but when I was a kid the big scare was “over population.” Japan was used as a prime example of a nation that was over populated. However, now that they have reduced their birth rate, that is somehow seen as a bad thing. Why? Would a less populated Japan be less prosperous?

    The ability to breed like rabbits does not indicate a source of strength. Without generous charity of food and modern medicine, nature would quickly cull such populations.

    For example, what would happen if all outside charity and aid were cut from Japan? Not much. Japan would still be a prosperous nation. But what if all Western aid were cut from Haiti? After the predictable round of murder, looting, rape and bloodshed, disease and starvation would drastically reduce the population.

    Cultures do not just magically appear. Cultures are created by a people. Do you think Japan would still be prosperous if by magic all the Japanese were replace by Haitian immigrants? Within a few years Japan would BE Haiti. For it is the PEOPLE, not the geographic borders, that make a nation.

  7. Syncretism:

    I don't hate myself or hate being white. Nice try playing psychologist. You'll note I didn't ascribe motives to you.

    But I do hate arrogant people, esp. those that lack empathy for others. I also hate people who can't argue logically or coherently, and you fail on both accounts.

  8. Ramzpaul:

    Cultures don't just spring up fully formed. They change over time, and, like everything else they die over time.

    The same Japanese culture you show such respect for here was made up of some of the same people who committed mass atrocities and horrendous medical experiments on helpless men , women, and children in World War 2. That's because to them, those Chinese, korean, British, Phillipino, and American people weren't really "human" and thus were not worthy of any concern nor could they have any honor, nor be treated as a status above inanimate objects. If it were not for American charity and American BLOOD Japan would still be ruled by people who thought just like that.And whenever I see that God Dammned attitude attitude whether it's expressed by white, black, or asian, I will fight it.

    As for your argument about "over/under" population in Japan, I've known for twenty or more years that Japan was a demographic time bomb. I doubt you can say the same. People have been arguing over which is worse over or under population since Malthus -bet you didn't know that, hmm? But really, the only real reason to prefer underpopulation is if you suspect that technology can't and won't save you, so you better save yourself before nature does. Otherwise, birthrates falling below replacement level are not to be desired and I'm sure you can easily come up with several reasons why, can't you?

  9. I should also add that based on age profiles of the population alone, one would expect far more trouble in Haiti than in Japan, since no one seemed to pick it up. Violence is basically a young mans game, and starts falling rapidly once your cohort reaches age 30 or 35. Haiti has a very young population, Japan , on the other hand is getting so old and has so few children they are working on robotic caretakers for their elderly.

  10. Clarence Comments:

    85 (thwack!)
    86 (thwack!)
    87 (thwack!)
    88 (thwack! for my poor psychoanalytical skills) 89 (thwack! for my lack of empathy)
    90 (thwack! for white guilt)
    91 (thwack! for Clarence Comments' lack of white guilt)
    92 (thwack!)
    93 (thwack!)
    94 (thwack!)

  11. [qoute]The same Japanese culture you show such respect for here was made up of some of the same people who committed mass atrocities and horrendous medical experiments...[/qoute]

    So what? Chinese and others also commited attrocities in wars, what this got to do with today's topic?

    Negroes are raping womans and children in South Africa today, have you excuse for that?

    [qoute]f it were not for American charity and American BLOOD Japan would still be ruled by people who thought just like that[/qoute]

    Why is this concern of yours how other country is ruled internaly? Japan got help, true, but they managed to stand on their own feet and
    make respectable country with high-tech manufacturing.

    USA is flooding Haiti with aid and money, and Haiti negroes still can't make nothing on their own. They just wait for 'gib muh dat yt'


    [qoute]And whenever I see that God Dammned attitude attitude whether it's expressed by white, black, or asian, I will fight it.[/qoute]

    You can't fight true and facts with brainless libtard mumbling.

    [qoute]Violence is basically a young mans game, and starts falling rapidly once your cohort reaches age 30 or 35[/qoute]

    Basically you justify murder, rape and looting in Haiti. Well done, sir.
    Don't forget slavery by negroes for negroes in present day Haiti.

    I can understand looting stores for food, but can't understand looting for TV and other stuff which can't help you in such conditions like
    was with hurricane Katrina.


    More or less, negroes have almost sam pattern of behaviour, whenever they are majority.

    [qoute]Comparing poor ignorant abused Haitians to a first world country like Japan or even a place like New Orleans (where arguably the looting and other things were the least defensible of all) and trying to make a moral parable about it is rather disgusting.[/qoute]
    Who abbuse Haitians now?
    Haitians abused themselves for 200 years without white massa, don't blame whitey for negro incompetence in Haiti, race card
    no longer apply. You talk about Japan, like they became first world country for granted, without hard work, pathetic.

    It allways amazes me, how libtard cant's see reality. You are like Ken Foster.



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