Libya, Israel and being a Degenerate

Two years ago I was watching Battle Star Galactica.  In one of my vids at that time I mention that I found Grace Park to be cute.  I did not say I wanted to marry her. I did not say I want to have babies with her.  I just said that she was a cute Korean lady. (I think she is married to a Korean man.)

Anyway, just the other day a sub sent me a link to a 10 page thread on Stormfront dedicated to discussing my sexuality based on a remark I made two years ago. It is obvious that if you don’t hate people from other races you MUST hate Whites. It is interesting that this is EXACTLY the propaganda that the ADL and SPLC promote.

Fuck the false dichotomy. I love my people. And I still think Grace Park is cute.


  1. Ja, she's a cutie - feeling you have to explain yourself, lol?

    Battelstar Galactica, eh? I was wondering what kind of gun that was, looks to have two barrels.

  2. Hey RamzPaul,
    Here is an article that I thought you might like.
    Check it out when you get a chance.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My impression is that you feel the need to explain yourself, but deep down even those whiter-than-you people know they're not being reasonable.
    I practice what I preach (white pride) and only choose white girls for mates, but I like and respect Asian people too and find their girls cute. Just like I prefer to live among whites, but I find East Asians as intelligent and civilized. I make no apologies for telling it like it is.

  5. I could imagine her (after a day of fighting monsters) drawing my bath and scrubbing my hairy back as cigar ashes fall on my man boobs.

  6. @stephane
    I think that you and the people on "StormFront" have let the liberals (or Cultural Marxist) get to you. You all seem so frightened by the self-loathing liberals, that you hide behind your swastikas and White Supremacist message boards. Most of the people on StormFront are just trying to prove that they are White. It is more than likely due to some White inferiority complex that the leftist liberals have instilled in you.

    To me, White pride is more about having pride in yourself. I am proud to be Me, and I am sure as hell not about to let some despicable liberal tell me that I should be ashamed of myself just for being White. I do not hide from the liberals on White Supremacist message boards. I actively seek out liberal commenting threads, so that I may verbally bash them. It's a hobby.

    Finally, having sex with an Asian will not make you less White. You will still be you, and she will still be her. Both Asians and Whites should be proud to be themselves, and it is okay if we co-mingle. It is up to the individual. RamzPaul is correct. Self determination is what it is all about.

  7. I'm actually living in East Asia right now, and from what I've experienced, it's a complete waste of time fretting about whites and East Asians co-mingling.

    "Oh, no! The science whiz is playing a game of chess with the literature whiz! What ever shall we do?"


    I'd prefer an East Asian woman with the values I desire than a choice of 10 white chicks who have been deeply Americanized in their thinking. (Feel free to interpret "Americanized" however you like.)

    For those who have seen the East Asian way of life up close (and in modern times), you will probably have noticed that these people have got their shit together. Furthermore, the cultures/genes of most East Asians render the women very appealing mates:

    Most emphasize education; most prefer a beta male who can provide; most take good care of themselves; most don't act like men; most have 3-digit IQs; most are very family oriented.

    It does little good for absolutists to be so damn absolute.

  8. Always funny and fascinating to hear from you!

  9. @Syncretism

    "For those who have seen the East Asian way of life up close (and in modern times), you will probably have noticed that these people have got their shit together. Furthermore, the cultures/genes of most East Asians render the women very appealing mates"

    I totally understand and agree with what Ramz is saying, but when you reach the point you are at, desiring both culture and genetics of outsiders for your children, you're just taking part in the anti-white agenda: mix whites until they are extinct.


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