Dear Woman

Below is a link to a  beautiful video was created by the conscious men foundation. In this touching video these men apologize for the male gender. Unfortunately, they closed their comments. However, once they open the comments I will post my video response. 

So women. I am sorry that I have controlled you. Dominated you. Possessed you. Owned you. Hmmmmmmm. Fuck Yeah! hahaha


  1. Hi Paul. This is Arjuna, I was one of the creators of the Dear Woman video. I gotta tell you, we may not agree on stuff, but your video here was very funny and quite brilliant satire. I had to laugh. You are also right about the imbalance in medical funding etc, there are many ways that women actually have a better deal these days in the US and Europe at least. So thanks for a good laugh, I will look forward to watching more of your stuff

  2. Thanks for the kind comments. Usually people that disagree with me are not as civil. Just remember - there is no such thing as bad publicity.

  3. Conscious men? Spineless manginas might be a more accurate description of those feeble minded, ball-less clowns.


  5. Good article about this subject:

  6. Women are twice as likely to use a weapon in a domestic dispute. If the male recipient of that domestic attack were to call the police, he is 9 times more likely to leave in handcuffs than the female counterpart.


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