
Showing posts from July, 2011

Somali Group Bans Samosas in Country

Maybe the SPLC will get a clue and demand that Doritos be banned? MAYBE! It is FRIDAY! A powerful Muslim extremist group in Somalia banned samosas in the country because their three sides may remind people of the Christian Holy Trinity. Read more:

Could you pass a Facebook background check?

Interesting article how now companies can spy on their workers for having "bad" thoughts. And as most major corporations are heavily controlled by the government, this is an ideal method for the State to control political speech. The Soviet Union used such tactics to keep the populace in-line. If you had "counter revolutionary" thoughts, you could not get employment. And the State controlled all employment. Companies have long used criminal background checks,   credit reports and even searches on Google and LinkedIn to probe the previous lives of prospective employees. Now, some companies are requiring job candidates to also pass a social media background check.

Norway and the Reichstag fire

I created this video over the weekend. I had limited Internet access so I was not following the news closely. However, as I predicted in this video, I knew that the SPLC (a powerful hate group in the USA) would exploit the Norway shootings in an attempt to curtail civil liberties. And right on queue the SPLC did not disappoint. Per the article below: But according to some analysts, words can be weapons themselves. The SPLC has frequently made the argument that speech = violence. Like all totalitarians their goal is to imprison anyone who disagrees with their political point of view. The SPLC is by far the most anti-American and dangerous hate group that exists in this country. No other hate group is as well funded or poses such a serious risk to Liberty as the SPLC. Of course, using a terrorist attack as justification to limit civil liberties is not new. In 1933 the National Socialist par...

Homeland Security Shows White People as most likely Terrorists

It seems as part of    Homeland Security’s $10 million dollar “See Something, Say Something”  campaign, a video was created to ask that Americans report suspicious activities. Curiously, all the villains in the video just happen to be White.  But luckily, America has "people of color" to watch all those wicked White men. Have a Good Weekend!

Police arrest goat accused of armed robbery

Old story - but funny! Robbery Suspect Police in Nigeria are holding a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.  Vigilantes seized the black and white goat, saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into an animal to escape after trying to steal a Mazda 323. Read more:

Ms. Mag: Deficits are Pro Woman

Susan Fiener, a Feminist Economist, argues in all seriousness that deficits do not matter because the government can pay for the debts with just a click on a computer. And because a literal printing press is not used, this is NOT printing money. And, no, this is not satire. She is quite serious.  She even wrote a clever poem for her Ms. Magazine readers: When the U.S. has a debt, we/I, we/I, owe Then a quick click here, and a quick click there Here a click, there a click, now a little quick click Then the U.S. paid its debt, we won’t, we don’t owe. This is based on the children's poem, old MacDonald. Which is probably appropriate given the intellectual level of Ms. Magazine's readership.  

Skinny girls on parade

I like this video! But where is the diversity and fat acceptance? REAL men like curvy, empowered women with the proper educational credentials and career ambitions. At least that is what I am told. heh.

Richard Dawkins Gets into a War with Feminists

Funny story of an Internet fight between Richard Dawkins and feminists.  It seems that a young female attendee to one of his atheist conferences was asked by an awkward (but polite) young man to join him for coffee. In the world of normal women, this is no big deal. If you are not interested, you just say No Thank You and forget about it.  But the atheist woman mention this incident in one of her videos. Richard commented that this was no big deal, and that women have real things to worry about instead of worrying about being offered a date. His response created OUTRAGE from the usual feminists. Because in their minds, a man (that is not deemed attractive enough) asking a woman for a date is a sexual crime. These feminists complain that such behavior "sexualizes" them. Of course these same feminists celebrate being a "slut" via "slut walk" parades and the like. They are EMPOWERED and STRONG. But then when asked politely for a date from a man that they have...

The Debt Ceiling Farce

The politicians are playing the usual Deficit Ceiling game again. Of course, the so-called Deb tCeiling is meaningless as the "ceiling" is always raised.  But having something called the "Deb tCeiling" gives the Republican rubes the illusion that SOMETHING IS BEING DONE about deficits. Of course, the trillions that the United States has spent to improve the economy has done nothing. And instead of spending the money on something productive (like the Hoover Dam), the money was spent ensuring huge bonuses to the bankers, buying guns for Mexican drug gangs and promoting "diversity".   The Omaha Public Schools used more than $130,000 in federal stimulus dollars to buy each teacher, administrator and staff member a manual on how to become more culturally sensitive.

Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal

Cheating has been going on in the Atlanta Public Schools for the past 10 years. Part of the reason for the cheating was to try to close the "achievement gap" between African-American and White/Asian students.  As this is an impossible task, the only way to show progress was to change the scores. Atlanta got caught. But it is my guess they are not alone. Last week, educators from Atlanta's school district were caught in a massive cheating scandal. Investigators exposed that for almost a decade, teachers erased and corrected students' answers on tests in an effort to boost their school's state standardized test scores. An investigative report by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal's office found that over 78% of Atlanta public schools that were part of the investigation were found to be cheating.

Ape with a AK-47

I think this is fake. But still pretty funny.

Journalist stages her OWN rape to cure trauma

Hmmmmm... Happy Friday! Unless Critic did an interview of me. You can read it here: I really need to get more fucking professional.  There are already too many threads on the INTERNETS discussing what is wrong with me. Fuck... I can send references. Anywayz..... funny story about some White "reporter" that simulated a rape so she could cure her stress. Sorry girl. Consensual sex is not rapez. People deal with stress in different ways. For journalist Mac McClelland, it gripped her body and her mind in such a severe way that she had to simulate a violent rape to get over it. The Mother Jones civil rights reporter, was on a job in Haiti in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake when she met a woman she called Sybille - who had been raped at gunpoint and brutally mutilated by a gang of men. Read more:

Muhammad Ali - Racial Integration

Muhammad Ali actually gave a pretty good defense of Nationalism. The poor British White liberal almost pissed his pants in horror. Funny stuff.

California lawmakers pass bill to teach gay history

Sad that California is so intolerant that they are only teaching the historical accomplishments of gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals and transgender. What about other alternate sexual practices?  Kenneth Pinyan would be a positive role model to include in the California history books for children. SACRAMENTO, Calif (Reuters) - A bill to require California public schools to teach the historical accomplishments of gay men and lesbians passed the   state Legislature   on Tuesday in what supporters call a first for the nation.

Is Casey Anthony a Victim of the Patriarchy?

I haven't followed the Casey Anthony trial.  But I thought I would take a look since it has received so much publicity. The story started when a little two year old girl named Caylee Anthony was reporting missing to the police in 2008 by her Grandmother. When the police investigated, the unwed Mom named Casey Anthony, said, yeah, she had been missing for six weeks. Obviously the police thought it was rather odd that a mother would forget to report that her two year old daughter was missing. Caylee Anthony A massive search was conducted looking for Caylee. Casey claimed that her daughter was probably abducted. Eventually Caylee's body was found in a shallow grave near the house. Her mouth was covered in duct tape. Police searched Casey's car and found evidence that the body had decomposed in the trunk for a couple of days before it was buried. Casidy has since changed her story. She now claims that Caylee drowned by accident in a backyard pool. She then panicked...

Woman's corpse found in public pool two days later

Here is one of those stories that sound more like some horrible Urban Myth than reality. And, yes, this story has been verified by various sources. It seems as through a lady drowned in a crowded pool on Sunday and sank to the bottom. No one noticed until the body floated to the surface Tuesday night. Meanwhile, crowds of people enjoyed swimming in the pool on Monday and Tuesday with a corpse. We are starting to see more of these kind of bizarre stories that used to be reversed for countries such as Uganda or the Congo.  Sad.