Muhammad Ali - Racial Integration

Muhammad Ali actually gave a pretty good defense of Nationalism. The poor British White liberal almost pissed his pants in horror. Funny stuff.


  1. liberals seem incapable of understanding others thoughts/opinions..."a philosophy of despair" he there is absolutely no possibility whatsoever Ali is correct...

  2. It was interesting that the audience agreed with Ali. Flustered the White Marxist.

  3. I've found it useful to think of libs as children. They feel, they emote. When they do think, it's to offload their emotions. "You suck", "You bad", "I care", "You racist". It doesn't really get much more complicated than that.

  4. The audience may have agreed with Ali based entirely on his colour. Had a white Nationalist (Nick Griffin?) said the same or similar, they would probably have erupted into a frenzy of righteous outrage and disgust.

  5. Wanting to preserve your race is a philosophy of despair. Must we conclude that wanting to destroy your own race is a a philosophy of hope? Evidently yes.

  6. I wouldn't exactly say but he's spot on, but generally speaking people naturally tend to gravitate toward their own kind, whether it's race, culture, religion, etc. I really think problems occur when you try to force some sort of utopian integration program on people. In these cases it's not so much that liberals care about race relations, it's that they're trying to force their ideals down people's throats.

  7. Great snippet!

    Check it out:


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