"View" Co-Host Offended by Word

In the 'Hot Topics' segment on "The View" this morning, the ladies discussed a Washington Post story about a rock with the word "Niggerhead" written on it at the gated entrance of a hunting camp leased and frequented by Rick Perry and his father.

Host Barbara Walters used the n-word while explaining the story, causing co-host Sherri Shepherd to take offense. Shepherd says she didn't like the way Barbara Walters said it. However, Shepherd was okay with Whoopi Goldberg, the main host of "The View," using it. Shepherd explained herself:



  1. When we were kids, Brazil nuts were nigger toes. I suppose in Brazil, they just call them nuts. We called geodes nigger heads. I suppose in Africa they just call them heads.

  2. Now we should not only watch what we say but how we say it. Do you know what the F word stands for. No its not that it's Fag It's all Bull. Walters is the ultimate Jew Liberal.


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