I am the 1%



  1. I work full time at a $9.20 an hour job and still pay taxes. I AM THE 1%!

  2. Our Western society favours those who do not make a positive contribution and tax those who do. This is completely insane.
    A body can only take a certain amount of leeches before it is bled dry.
    Unfortunately, I see our society as being too weak with parasites to come back to a healthy state of being. We are surely doomed.

  3. You can't get blood from a turnip.

  4. I would wager that 99% of those people on that tumblr have a flat screen TV.

  5. But for the purchase of a flat screen TV, I could have been in the 1%. Lamentations, woe is a me bop! I have two junkers in the driveway that are worth more for transportation than they were for "cash for junkers".

    Must I divest of these treasures before I can complain about anything? I have a comfortable pair of shoes too.


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