Judge William Adams Beats His Daughter

So who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? We are the good guys. You are the bad guys.


  1. An atheist on You Tube stuck a banana up his butt. Religion is necessary to keep everyone from sticking a banana up their butt.

  2. Judge Adams is a real Hitler and his wife is a Mrs. Hitler. Where is the love?

    Judge Jewdy does not approve of this kind of discipline.

  3. I'm reading a book called "Gun Dog", where the author relates a story on a Mule trainer.

    The word had gotten around that this feller was getting good results training his animals humanely, and a camera crew had come down to see how he did his thing. Well, soon as the cameras start rolling out comes this gentleman with a 2x4 and whacks the mule in the forehead. Horrified one of the camera crew ejaculates: "Whoa, stop. I thought you trained your animals humanely?!" So the feller replies: "Surely do, Miss. just have to get their attention first."

  4. Playing God: The Loving Psychopath - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E15IC3YKv8g

  5. This type of treatment produces a high percentage of psychopaths in adulthood, although it's better than no discipline at all.

  6. Narrative, good guy, bad guy - perspective. If you have no empathy there is no difference ramzpaul. As for people like you dragging everyone else out of caves. Without empathy civilization wouldn't exist. But organization of civilization is structured around the pathology of people like you - and it is why there are so many damaged people. Your condition gives you clarity but also blinds you. You should submit yourself for analysis. Wouldn't you like to know why everyone else is so irrational?

  7. Shut up, Gaz. Noone likes an armchair pseudo-psychologist.

  8. I note that the girl, in spite of her cerebral palsey, got piano lessons from an exceptional and intuitive teacher. She learned to play quite well. She has a beautiful instrument to play on. She has parents who bought her that piano, who paid for her lessons.
    There were things her father could have done to prevent his daughter from downloading illegally. I used such technology myself, and it's well worth the investment, both in money and in seeing your kid exasperated that she can't download or go to her favorite sites to bitch about her mother. But I've been angry enough to want to slap the daylights out of my kid. Just not on camera. Never did, though.
    Thank goodness for juvenile detention centers and The Wilderness Weekend Outreach program. Turned my little so and so around right quick.


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