My Tram Experience - British Woman Arrested

A British woman was arrested after a video was leaked showing her complain of immigrants. Britain is not a free country and any politically incorrect speech can result in an arrest (such as was the case in the Soviet Union).

London has undergone an ethnic cleansing over the past few decades. According to some estimates, less than 30% of the population is now White. This is amazing. It would be equivalent of Tokyo being cleansed of Japanese people.

During the end World War 2, the Royal Air Force conducted firebombing campaigns against the defenseless city of Dresden.  Dresden was a sanctuary city and, as such, did not have any anti aircraft defenses. There were no military targets in Dresden. The bombing was simply a massacre of 500,000 Germans (mostly women and children.)

It would be an ironic twist of fate if the grandfather of this British lady was one of those Royal Air Force pilots, fighting for "freedom".  Now his granddaughter is arrested in his homeland for protesting the genocide of his people.

So it goes.


  1. Really great message, but I fear its subtlety might be lost on many.

  2. I watched the tram video and it crossed my mind that her real crime is simply pointing out (albeit in an extremely offensive and unjustifiable way) the obvious: the king is naked and like the naked king story, here too (read the comments) everyone, well almost everyone (there’s hope), is at her like a pack of ravenous dogs.

  3. My God, that woman had guts!
    You can be abused by an immigrant(legal or illegal) on the London transport system for even an imagined slight. She went the full Monty. Respect!

  4. The UK is a tinderbox. All sparks are a danger. Due to the publicity around the case it's possible her arrest and incarceration will prove counter productive

  5. WARNING!!!WARNING!!! I regret to inform you all there has been another outbreak ranting White women on public transit in the U.K., yes dear friends it seems to be an epidemic. It's on YouTube type "Second racist ranter" and you should find it, there is also an article in the Daily Mail and probably all the other papers as well since they love showing stories of evil whitey but I haven't checked. But let us not give in to panic for even now the police are hunting her down because apparently they have nothing better to do. Let us offer our prayers for the U.K. in this time of great butthurt :(

  6. She needs a hug but the hug goes to the alien behind her.

  7. She's better off in jail. And quite lucky no one on that bus kicked her off, like pushed her off..that little baby saved her. And, who made her boss of England? She was having a bad day for unknown reasons and vented on her inner thoughts deep down inside, again making it a black/white issue. Why? So she is white on the outside, but she acted as ignorant as a box of rocks. Claiming sovereignty to the British Crown, and denouncing other ethnic people as if she lived in a box all her life. Please, she was upset because she didn't get her food stamps and sees the enemy as competition. And, this is not to be compared to genocide, those 500,000 Germans did not have a choice. What did she expect on public transportation? A cheese plate and glass of wine?

  8. USArude,It IS genocide because mass immigration and forced assimilation results in Britons being made a minority, or worse, in Britain. If you oppose this policy of mass immigration, forced assimilation and intermarriage, you face employment discrimination, social ostracism, and physical violence or incarceration! That can only be called genocide as defined by section (c) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

  9. USArude is an unappologetic asshole.


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