
Living creatures do NOT have a gender. Living creatures have a sex - typically male or female. In the English language NOUNS have a gender. Nouns can have the following gender:

  • masculine
  • feminine
  • neuter
  • indeterminate

This is basic to the English language.  However, feminists have fucked up the English language and now claim that people have a gender. This is bullshit. Living things do NOT have a gender.

Claiming that a man who pretends to be a woman is transgender is the same as claiming that a man who pretends to be a chicken is trans-species. It is a fucked up denial of reality.

Feminists are reality-phobic.



  1. I've seen a couple of your yute tubes but had no idea you did this regularly. Well, I just went through your entire archive and you are great! No, we can't vote them out. No we can't beat them out (yet). But we can laugh them out. And yes, variation in format is a good thing.

    Please do not retire from this.

  2. Could have used a better example for indeterminate. Technically a dog is male and a bitch is female. Canine is indeterminate. The bitches don't like that though.

  3. I'm an Austrian who's English skills are quite basic and i have to admit that until know I didn't know that nouns in the English language have a gender at all. In my English courses I was never bothered with learning a noun's gender (which was one of the reasons why I found English comparatively easy to learn). And since there is no inflection in regard to gender, I really have some trouble to see the point of a grammatical gender concept. Also I can't find any hints on a noun's gender in my English dictionary. So I'm little bit confused.
    Can someone explain this issue to me?

    By the way: you English speaking folks are actually quite lucky. Due to some peculiarities of the German language feminists and cultural marxists have made even grammar an ideological battelfield. In German there is something very similar to the indeterminate gender. It's called 'Generisches Maskulinum' and it refers to groups of humans or animals without saying anything about the gender of the individuals of this group. Now here comes the problem: the 'Generisches Maskulinum' is the same like the male singular form.

    From the feminist point of view this is a clear sign of patriarchal hegemony in the German language which must thus be wiped out. So feminists and gender activists have been trying quite successfully to impose a new language regime. If you want to be politically correct, you now have to refer always explicitely to both sexes when both sexes are meant. The 'Generisches Maskulinum' is no longer allowed to do this job. Since this is usually too cumbersome to be parcticable, feminists have developed a new way of writing which looks like this:

    "JedeR sechste ÖsterreicherIn"
    „eineR von zwei RechtsanwältInnenanwärterInnen“
    "kein_e österreichische_r Abgeordnete_r"

    (Examples are taken from a student magazine.)

    You don't even have to know any German to realize that this is really weird stuff. And if your are wondering why there are combining low lines between the letters in the third example – well, this is the newest progress towards true gender neutrality. These lines are there in order to refer to transgender persons and hermaphrodites who would otherwise be discriminated against by heteronormative german grammar.

  4. Paul,

    I would be very grateful if you could do a video about a young boy named Thomas who has been "adopted" by two "finnish" lesbians. He is being sexually and psychologically tortured, made to wear a dress, called Tammy, pumped full of hormones and being having the suggestion put to him that he might want to be castrated. Please suggest to your viewers that they call Child Protective Services and get this kid out of the brainwashing, sexual and psychological torture he is suffering.

    Child Protective Services(Alameda County): (510)259-1800



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