My video is satire. But a government school has actually created a Trayvon Martin day. During the day they have the children eat Skittles and drink Ice Tea in memory of Saint Trayvon.


  1. That news report is really shocking: can you believe that a school named after Malcolm X has been experiencing “disciple problems?”

  2. I think you may have figured out the near impossible task of pissing off both Christians and cultural Marxists in one swipe, though that was probably not your intention.

  3. The mock theology is a bit too Protestant for my tastes, but way to go!


  5. Ramzpaul is not only a natural comedic talent but a brilliant satirist as well. Why isn't he on SNL? Conan? Mainstream media? The answer is obvious, but his day will come.

  6. Sam, I agree with you that Ramzpaul has talent. Problem is, he's too timid. What we need are more "edgy" comedians who are prepared to put their careers, their freedom perhaps even their lives on the line by satirizing the "tough" targets like whites, men conservatives and Christians.

  7. Sam, I agree with you that Ramzpaul has talent. Problem is he's too timid. What we need are more "edgy" comedians who are prepared to put their careers, freedom perhaps even lives on the line by going after the "tough" targets like whites, men, conservatives and Christians. Most comedians are such wusses they won't touch those topics with a ten foot pole.

  8. Sorry for the duplicate. the comment didn't show up first time round.

  9. Thanks for your comment Mary, but I believe Ramzpaul has indeed gone after all those targets, if I understand you correctly. Have you watched many of his videos? His style of humor is gentle and friendly, and that can be very effective. Yet sometimes he is quite edgy, in my opinion. I view him as a national treasure.

    Have you seen "How Whites Took Over America" on You Tube? It's not Ramzpaul, but it is groundbreaking satire. I hope you will watch it and let me know what you think.

  10. This is the funniest commentary on the overblown Trayvon (Plug a Punk) Martin national mania I have ever seen. Great work!


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