
Showing posts from June, 2012

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Divorce

No, the big news last week was not that the Supreme Court ruled Obama Care legal. The major story was that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing! OMG! Tom claims that he will fight for custody of his daughter. And while I think it can be cute to see a grown man so naive, the reality is that the USA is a matriarchy and fathers no longer have any legal claim over their children. This has led to the explosion of women having multiple "baby daddys" instead of fathers. And, of course, the results are disastrous. A behind behind the scene note: Tom Cruise did a famous "jump on the couch" incident when he was on the Oprah show a few years ago. I guess that he was so much in love with Katie that he had to leap with joy onto the couch. This incident was parodied by South Park, Fami...

Honesty on Fieger - Presidential Election 2012

Jeff Fieger is a famous lawyer in Michigan. He is pretty much a high profile ambulance chaser that takes cases with the goal of generating maximum publicity. He also ran (unsuccessfully) as the Democratic nominee for the governor of Michigan. Fieger recently aired the following ad in Michigan. Michigan is a key battleground state for the election and Feiger is attempting to intimidate Whites into voting for Obama. His primary argument is that White people who criticize Obama are "racist". Interesting, he uses as his prime example the people who question Obama's birth location. According to Fieger, these people are obviously racist. And his evidence of such racism is his claim that Mitt Romney's father  (William Romney)  was foreign born (born in Mexico) and no one cared back then because William Romney was White. But people now care because Obama is an African-American. Of course, people DID care about William Romney's  birth place and this w...

Arizona Immigration Law

A pretty major decision by the Supreme Court today. The court has overturned much of Arizona's immigration law. Justice Scalia wrote the dissent. As this is freely available to all Americans, I thought I would copy his response here. This way you can see what he wrote instead of hearing that the MSM claimed he wrote. No.11-182 - Arizona v. United States For almost a century after the Constitution was ratified, there were no federal immigration laws except one of the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts that was discredited and allowed to expire. In that first century all regulation of immigration was by the States, which excluded various categories of would-be immigrants, including convicted criminals and indigents. Indeed, many questioned whether the federal government had any power to control immigration—that was Jefferson’s and Madison’s objection to...

Diversity is our strength

Image And in Detroit:

Windows to the soul

Cultural Marxist Nationalist Watching the  Unfair Campaign PSA video of the White people marking up their faces in a degrading and grovelling manner reminded me of the movie Braveheart (a great Nationalist movie). Tim Wise marks up the face of a White male For the Scottish warriors also marked their faces. But the Scottish patriots did not paint their faces in an abject manner and they did not mark their faces as a form of penance. As with the American Indians, the paint was a symbol of defiance against the enemy. How our people once marked our faces Maybe the Unfair Campaign has started a new trend. Our people painting their faces. But it might be in a slightly different manner that they expect. heh.

Don't Tread On Me Campaign PSA

Many people have sent me messages today asking for me to respond to the new anti-White video by the University of Minnesota-Duluth. This group has been creating much anti-White "White Privileged" propaganda. If such a video was made of any other race, YouTube would have immediately pulled it due to "Hate Speech". But as of tonight (June 21) the video is still up. This video is so vile that I have had some Asian and Black friends send me messages about how they find it to be disgusting. I believe that ALL people should be proud of their heritage. And seeing these White people grovel on their knees ashamed of their families, their heritage, their people, is very disturbing. Luckily, most women refuse to have sex with these spineless males who act like worms. Hopefully, these losers genetics will be culled from our people. I can't imagine how humiliating it would be to be part of such a video. Gay pron is more honorable than this crap. But there are enough of us to...

Comment Policy Update

I have closed the comments on my old videos. However, the comments are still there. They are just hidden. Over time I will be “cleaning” the old comments and make them visible. For the old videos (over a month old) comments will be placed on moderation. As there is usually not much back and forth conversations on these old videos, I think that will work OK. New videos will continue to have open comments. Any comment that has the word “nigger”. “chink”, “spic” or “Jew” will be removed. Yes, I know that the word “Jew” is not always a bad word. But I don’t have time to evaluate every comment for its context. In one video I had over 10,000 comments. Again, this is to conform to YouTube’s policy that we help maintain the Community Standard on our videos. If you don’t like the Community Standard, don’t complain to me, call Google and complain. I have my own policy that I don’t allow people to call me or other people “racist”. I also immediately block people who have a clear anti-White agenda...

Immigration and babies

Do we really need to import people from the Third World to make up for a lack of native born babies? CNN thinks so. RAMZPAUL has another solution.

Obama changes immigration policy

Obama by fiat changed the immigration policy of the United States. Of course, the president of the United States does not have that authority based on the Constitution. But we are now pretty much a banana republic and the Constitution is a mere formality. Republicans have been slow to criticize the change in policy. And the criticism tends to be an argument based on jobs and employment. Very few Republicans will state the core reason that many Americans are opposed to such immigration. The reason is that we want self-determination. While the Mexicans might be good people, they are not our people. They have a country - Mexico. And we want our own country. Of course, such a response would be considered politically incorrect. I am sure it would even be deemed as "hate". And, yet, just a week ago the US House of Representatives voted 411-2 to...

Upcoming changes to the RAMZPAUL show

YouTube has changed their policy. Channel owners are now responsible to ensure that the community standards are upheld in the video comments. As such, here are the rules for commenting on my videos: 1. The Friday show has been changed to Saturday 2. Do not use the word "nigger" in the comments 3. Do not use the word "Jew" in the comments 4. Do not use the word "spic" or "chink" 5. Do not accuse other people of being "racist". The "r" word is just a code word for anti-White. As such, it will no longer be tolerated in the comments. 6. Do not post if you have a swastika in your avatar. 7. Do not make threats 8. Do not advocate illegal activities 9. Trolls will be immediately blocked. YouTube now requires us to police the comments. As such, we will abide by their rules on my channel. If you see any violations in the comments, please send me a private message. You can still use whatever words you want on this blog.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Plutonium

May 11, 1969 was Mother's Day. I am sure we attended church and later celebrated at our home in Arvada, Colorado.  My brother would be celebrating his third birthday on May 14. And I was a month a away from being six. On Sunday afternoons we typically played outside in the back yard. I remember my Mom had a clothesline that we had to avoid as we ran around.  We also had a sandbox. At about 2:00 P.M. that day the worst nuclear accident in American history occurred at the Rocky Flats plant that was just West of our home. Recent picture of my Mother in front of our old house in Arvada, Colorado (taken in 2012) My mother has fought cancer for many years Of course, we had no idea at the time. But a fire broke out in the plant and a stream of plutonium drifted over our neighborhood. Pattern of the plutonium exposure Our house was in the middle of the bright red area Rocky Flats was a top secret nuclear trigger facility in the 1950s and 1960s. As such, m...

The Tragedy of the Commons

Outsourcing American jobs to foreign countries is a classic version of The Tragedy of the Commons. The tragedy of the commons (or tragedy of the unmanaged commons) is a dilemma arising from the situation in which multiple individuals, acting independently and rationally consulting their own self-interest, will ultimately deplete a shared limited resource, even when it is clear that it is not in anyone's long-term interest for this to happen. In the case of American outsourcing, it is rational for an individual corporation to send jobs overseas to take advantage of cheap labor. However, in the long run, such a policy will deplete the shared resource (in this case American jobs) and eventually lead to the ruin of America. And the destruction of America is not in the long term interest of any American corporation. The Great Recession wiped out nearly two decades of Americans’ wealth, according to government d...

Mom locked up for cheering at child's graduation

When I attended my son's graduation everyone had to go through a metal detector and all bags were searched by security. Many police were on the scene. When I graduated High School, I don't remember any security. And it was considered common courtesy not to cheer and scream in a disruptive manner. Shannon Cooper cheered as her daughter walked across the stage to get her diploma from South Florence High School Saturday night, but just minutes later, Shannon was handcuffed and arrested. "Are ya'll serious? Are ya'll for real? I mean, that's what I'm thinking in my mind. I didn't say anything. I was just like OK, I can't fight the law. I can't argue with the police, but I'm like are you serious? I didn't do any more than the others did. Which I feel like no one should have went to jail," said Shannon.

Madonna and Cannibalism

TEL AVIV—Dark Catholic imagery was spliced with blood, guts and guns as Madonna burst onto the stage at Tel Aviv’s Ramat Gan stadium late on Thursday to kick off her hotly-anticipated MDNA world tour of some 30 countries. The portentous tolling of a church bell opens the first set with bare-chested monks in burgundy robes swinging a giant golden censer in front of a giant red cross.

Obama and the wage gap myth

Looks like the Obama Campaign has decided to stick with the war on women meme. The kick-off to this campaign was the plant Sandra Fluke who enrolled in a catholic university and then complained to the government that they would not pay for her birth control pills. Then Obama had his Hollywood friends create the video "Republicans Get Into My Vagina".  And now the Obama has resurrected the long discredited "wage gap". This morning, the White House sent an email out to its millions-strong list asking, “Do you support equal pay for women?” Why would the White House ask such a question? Because the Obama administration, in its latest attempt to woo the women’s vote and posit the existence of a conservative “war on women,” is pressing the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would once again restrict business in the name of the supposed pay gap between the sexes.

I am on Keek!

KEEK is like a video version of Twitter.  The rule is all videos have to be under 30 seconds in length. Also, you can't do any fancy editing. My videos will just come from my iPhone. I plan to use this for just random thoughts and observations. Take a look and if you like it, create an account and follow me. It is free!

Do games and vice ruin men?

Here is another one of those articles scolding men for playing games and watching pron. Oddly, the article seems to assume that women never play games or watch porn. I have always been a game geek at heart. And I love to play games with guys and girls. Here is the game I bought when I was 10 years old. It started my life long addiction to strategy games: Here is a vid that has a nice response. And it is by a.... GIRL. OMG!