Marine veteran detained over Facebook posts

Interesting story of an ex-Marine who was arrested for his Facebook comments. Technially, he was not arrested but "detained". Under the NDAA the government now has the power to "detain" a citizen indefinably without a trial.

HOPEWELL, Va. (WTVR) – Protestors gathered outside John Randolph Medical Center where a Marine veteran is detained after allegedly making some questionable Facebook posts. 

CBS 6 News’ Catie Beck confirmed with attorneys from the Rutherford Institute, who represented 26-year-old Brandon Raub during a Monday morning hearing, that he will remain in custody.

Here is his Facebook page. Strangely, the FBI has not yet removed his page.

Video his non-arrest:

Video of Rumsfeld making a "slip of the tongue" concerning Flight 93.


  1. 'Strangely, the FBI has not yet removed his page.' -- Maybe the FBI want a list of people who visit his page so they can help them, too.

  2. what is the comment,,,,,,newspaper story didnt say

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