Obama Flags YouTube Video

I suppose everyone is now familiar with the story of how a crappy YouTube video inflamed the passions of Muslims in Libya causing them to murder three Americans.  Below is the video:

What is amazing is that Obama basically blamed the filmmaker for the killings. And he actually flagged the video in YouTube!


Christians are constantly exposed to offensive videos and movies. And if any Christian should object, he is called "intolerant" and a "bigot". Could you imagine Obama making excuses if a bunch of Christians stormed the Israeli embassy and killed the ambassador over a video offensive to Christians? 

And while Obama was busy flagging videos in YouTube, did he flag the video below? If not, why not?


  1. Nobody should be killed for making a video; no matter how offensive someone may find it, period.

    Speaking as one of those Zionist "Finns," I find the second video grossly distasteful. Making fun of Christians for me is like beating up a teddy bear and saying you killed a rabid grizzly.

    1. Tue, Christians are just about the softest target imaginable. However, talking of free speech, I do believe the "Finns" rigidly censor even the mildest criticism of them, or their ways, as ant-Finnestic.

  2. If Steven Spielberg made the MoHam movie, Obonzo would defend it.

    The non Mohammedan countries should overwhelm the riotous hypersensitive goons with MoHam cartoons and videos. Every piece of print media should have the Danish cartoon of Mo on their masthead. They would soon be exhausted or burned out. This behavior modification won't happen because they could no longer be turned on and off as needed the way they are now. What tools, what maroons.

  3. Did they do a sequel after three days?

  4. Is Toblerone the supremely Goyish food to Israelis? You'd think it's be Jimmy Dean sausage wrapped in pancakes, a food so trayfe its very manufacture constitutes an ant-semitic insult.

  5. Ramzpaul,

    hmmm, I'm an Israeli Jew and, as they say, the Israeli clip was taken "out of context." The show was a parody of older children programs that warned against assimilation to other religions and were actually racist/nationalistic/etc. The clip shown was sarcastic and made fun of the older racist/nationalistic/etc. by making them extreme. However, if you're on a quest to find reasons to hate the Finns, be my guest.

    1. dicipres,
      I do not share Ramzipaul's passionate disliking of Jews.
      I am fine with the Tribe. I have no problem with Israel as a whole... but even I am not buying your "sarcastic" bullshit excuse. I know there is a small section of Israelis who hate Christians... The rest of you Israelis need to do something about them. Maybe you cannot do anything about their colorful freedom of speech that is on display in this video, but you can do something about the anti-Christian haters who are attacking our Holy sites.

  6. I figured it for a parody of Hamas and Egyptian tv. Gaza and Cairo run Muslim > Jew shows like this at face value.

    This parody show (seriously, look at Youtube - it's parody) is doing Jew > Christian as a joke. They don't believe in any of this stuff, any more than Peter Jackson was really singing the praises of drug-use and sodomy in "Meet The Feebles". I mean, come on. A bikini?

    Anyway, RamZPaul is pandering to Stormfront and, more tragically, to AmRen. None of this "outrage" is real.

    1. All of you are missing the point. Whether the film about Mohammed was sarcastic or not, it would have offended the oh-so-peaceful muslims and their liberal apologists here would be shouting loudly to have it taken down, whereas as any video attacking christians, and I've seen some very serious ones, would not get any sort of attention from the same crowd. Ramz is not against free speech in Israel or anywhere else, just against double-standards. And I've never known him to pander to anyone, least of all to Stormfront. You clearly haven't the slightest clue about him.


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