Candy Crowley - Empowered Moderator

I never heard of Candy Crowley before the upcoming debates. It seems she is demanding a more active role than that of a moderator. I suppose she wants to give her unique female perspective during the debates.

The debate is supposedly a town hall where regular citizens can ask the candidates questions. In reality the questions are screened and edited by CNN. So you are free to ask a question, as long as the mainstream media agrees with the nature of the question.

With less than 48 hours to go before Tuesday's presidential debate, the moderator's role is being questioned because of things Candy Crowley has said on CNN.

Read more:

Here is Candy in a video explaining that there are too many White men in the Republican party.


  1. Mormon Patriarch meets chattering crakhead. Mealy mouth moderatesw were afraid they would come to blows. I was afraid Obonzo qwould jump on the man and try to eat his face. I had money on it that he might, so I was hoping he would try.


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