SPLC Linked to Domestic Terrorism
Here is an article about the SPLC. For those of your outside of the United States, the SPLC is a left-wing Marxist organization that attempts to silence politically incorrect thought. If a right wing organization used similar methods, the members would be quickly arrested under RICO and civil rights violation charges. Below is an example where a neo-Nazi was sent to prison because he published private information in attempt to intimidate an American citizen. This is mild compared to what the SPLC does. http://archive.firstamendmentcenter.org/Speech/internet/%5Cnews.aspx?id=23758 Here is an article which explains an incident in which a terrorist attack was inspired by the hate filled rhetoric of the SPLC. http://washingtonexaminer.com/national-editorial-no-federal-endorsement-for-southern-poverty-law-center/article/2528335#disqus_thread I have personally come under attack by this organization because I dare to exercise my First ...