Why are Conservative Girls Hot? And Feminists Not?

I have noticed that conservative girls in the USA tend to be much more attractive that feminists. However, in Europe, feminists can be quite attractive. Not sure of the reason for the difference.

American Feminist 


  1. I guess that in Europe they just have a better selecion of who is going to attack, because most of the feminists I ever met (I'm from the Balkans) are not a pretty sight. So, probably on every beauty like this one there's 10 Roseanne Barrs who are just not good enough for Feminist PR.

  2. Re the pictured rotund "American Feminist" with the sign reading "No, you make Me a sandwich !" .... But, if we make YOU a sandwich, you'd be a horribly unappetizing sandwich.

  3. Note also how easy it is to get up close and personal to the "dictator" Putin.
    Try doing that to our dictator, in the land of free.

  4. Wow, that girl really wanted to fu!$ Putin!

  5. You have to really wonder about the intelligence of a woman (particularly a hot one) who thinks that showing your tits will dissuade men. Whatever this girl was protesting I'm pretty sure Putin didn't get the message. I don't care what she writes on them all I would be thinking is 'Wow, that girl is showing me her tits. I must be doing something right'.

  6. I disagree. I personally believe the most effective form of protest against RAMZPAUL would be for hot babes to run naked toward him with vulgar messages painted on their young, thin and supple bodies.

  7. These femen are financed by the likes of soreass and the NWO in order to undermine leaders like Putin, they are as planned trying to create an uprising against leaders such as Putin by creating division amongst the population just as we have seen with the so called "arab spring" pay no notice to them they are agent provocawhoors.

  8. Lmao, the look on Putin's face was priceless. It looks like he even gave her two thumbs up. If she had made it to him, I wonder if he would've grabbed her tits or put her in a judo hold. I can only imagine how beta males like Bush and Obama would've reacted.

  9. Sure I'll get you a sandwich Ms American Feminist. Here....it's the $hit Sandwich you've been trying to get men to eat ever since they woke up and realized the psychotic man-hating extremists hijacked the movement.

  10. Looks like these ladies are getting paid a large amount to show up at these protests:


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