Africa in London

London got a taste of diversity today. An African Muslim ambushed and beheaded a British soldier in London.No reports yet of cannibalism.

The only solution to such matters is more immigration and more diversity. This transformation will not be complete until Britain is ethnically cleansed and 100% diverse.

Update- YouTube quote of the week:

it is satire. but it isn't SUPPOSED to be funny you fuck. no one in ENGLAND has a sense of the tragic in art anymore because the tragic so surrounds them on their fucking streetcorners.


  1. Fuck you. You and your kind will NOT divide us. the UK is a Diverse and multi-cultural nation, and we are rightly proud of that. Division will not prevail. Nationalism belongs to the past. I have reported your fucking sick video to the FBI. So up yours cunt.

  2. Joe Bloggs, it's so sad that you have to listen to Ramzpaul's hate speech. Hopefully he'll be arrested soon, and that will teach him to speak his mind. Isn't it wonderful that the government is around to keep us safe from having bad thoughts?

  3. Joe - I have reported you to the Queen and your Mom.

  4. Fuck you ramzpaul you intolerant piece of shit. Your the kind of person who glorifies this kind of behaviour and thinks its acceptable as joe bloggs put it we are a diverse nation and always will be unlike you and many other americans.

  5. Correction, the United Kingdom is divided the only thing multiculturalism has brought is misery, murder and rapes.

  6. Multiculturalism is certainly woking in Sweden right now, and in London last year, oh and france every year.fools

  7. James - Enjoy your diversity. Expect more enrichment as you become more "diverse". Then when you finally become 100% diverse, England will look like Haiti. Enjoy!

  8. Joe Bloggs/James Rochester = samefag.

    Learn to proxy.

  9. Thanks for the video, Ramz.

    I moved out of England, land of my ancestors, about 10yrs ago - even then enrichment had made parts of the country unlivable.

    When I look back and remember how it used to be in the days of my childhood I could weep. The few brave Englishmen who stood up and tried to stop this madness were sneered at, marginalized and finally destroyed. No British Nationalist has ever been elected to parliament since the war.
    Maybe we English as a race do not deserve to survive - love Darwin or loath him, he cannot be ignored.

  10. RamZPaul. You ought to get a genius grant.

  11. Hmm.. that young man seems nice. Very religious. Hard working. Let's celebrate his sharing of his culture with us. Maybe more will come and share more of their culture with us.

  12. hey ramzpaul!

    long time fan of your work. thanks for putting my quote on your blog!

    too bad so many can't see your satire on the woolwich issue for what it is. poor brits are getting decimated and all they can do is threaten ol' ramzpaul on the internets. a sad sate of affairs.

    spreching of which: i wrote an article on counter-currents about woolwich...may you like it:
    i also post occasionally on a blog called where one or two of your videos have been featured in the past. i might do a write-up on your woolwich vid. and try to explain for those slow on the uptake what it is you're bangin' on about, as the brits say...

  13. They've already had cannibal immigrants in London. He was more discreet than these others.


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