Women in Combat
For thousands of years women were excluded from combat. Why? Because everyone who has ever lived until now was fucking ignorant. Since Star Trek (and other such TV shows, movies and commercials) we have learned that women are actually stronger than men. For example, Tasha Yar was the HEAD security officer on the Starship Enterprise. It was demonstrated REPEATEDLY that she could kick the ass of even male Klingons. So that is pretty much indisputable evidence that women can do just fine in combat. Empowered Fighting Machine! To address historical inequities of male privilege, White privilege, cis privilege and heteronormative privilege I propose that the US military should become 100% Gay and Female. Officials from all military service branches told Congress today they can open combat positions to women by 2016 without lowering physical or performance standards. Six months after the Pentagon announced it was lifting a ban on women serving in ground-combat units, military officials c...