Justin Carter - faces 10 years in jail for Facebook joke

I miss the old America. A kid makes a joke (which he said was a joke at the time) and he is now in prison with $500,000 bail. Murderers and rapists literally have bail set for a lesser amount. This is simply a show case to chill Free Speech. We now live in a Soviet society. This is no longer America.

The Texas teenager indicted by a grand jury for making a terroristic threat about a school shooting —which he says was a Facebook joke—has been suffering and beaten behind bars, his father told NPR.

CNN adds that Justin Carter, 19, is “currently on suicide watch in Comal County Jail near San Antonio, Texas” where he’s been locked up since February. If convicted, NPR reports, the third-degree felony carries up to 10 years in prison in Texas.

The judge seems to think he is a a king and is not subject to the constitution: 

Below is a video commentary from a guy I like. He is quite funny.


  1. Happy July 4th. It's time to celebrate all of our freedoms!

  2. This is a clear-cut example of why zero-tolerance policies are so fucking retarded. They leave out the major factor of circumstance and common sense, which would both dictate completely dropping the whole case as a non-issue.

    Can they not look and see that he definitely was responding to an insult, and then followed up with "lol jk"? What the fuck is there to dispute? The sarcasm? So much for innocent until proven guilty. GG America. GG no re.

  3. I often use the same sort of sick humor that this American kid uses.....but without the unnecessary LOL softener. This is standard Anglo-Saxon banter as used throughout the centuries and stands alone - it does not need to be justified or contextualized. It may offend some - and delight others, but it has never been illegal - except under a few totalitarian regimes ...and now in the USA. I would have loved the old America.

  4. The fat man's video explains that speech has consequences we've always known this, but FREE speech is only free if it has no consequences. Consequences means it's not free, there is a price to be paid. This is why words are important to use correctly and not use catch phrases. What the fat guy should be attacking is the arbitrary nature of the law. Example: "I get to kill White people, how cool is that?"...what's jamie fox's future look like?

  5. One of your most powerful vids. Damn , it's such a shame. These weasels have done so much damage in such a short time. We are beyond melancholy and past parody. This is a horror show.

  6. The fat guy made far too many disclaimers. I want the flaccid still-beating corpse of Mandella immediately arrested and tried for hate speech for singing " Kill The Boers".

    I want "Ice-T" immediately arrested for endorsing cop-killing.

    Chop chop.

  7. boogie is funniest as francis. On youtube there is a video of him going apeshit during a magic the gathering game.

  8. Yeah... I just found him. His Francis character is great.

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