Adelson: US should drop atomic bomb on Israel

Below is a video and a story of how Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire Republican American businessman, advocates that the United States should drop an Atomic Bomb on Israel. (I assume he must be some sort of wacky White Supremacist for making such a genocidal statement.) While old Sheldon might be going senile, what is disturbing is how the students cheered the remark.

The basic logic is that because many Communist Jews were responsible for the Holodomore (the genocide of millions of White Christians), all Jews and the United States share a collective guilt. In his mind, this event that happened over 60 years ago justifies endless aggression on his part against the Jewish people. How anyone could blame a modern Jew that was not even born during the Holodomore boggles the mind. Like I am supposed to believe that my Jewish dentist that lives next door shares some sort of "collective guilt" for an event that happened half the way around the world 70 years ago. Like I said, these White Supremacists are kooks.

Victims of the Holodomore

Extremist kook advocating nuclear war


  1. Nice idea for a vid, Ramz.
    Hope the irony works - although to try and shift the mind-set resulting from 60yrs of constant Tribe propaganda will take a lot of doing.

  2. Yeah, let's make sure that sort of genocide never happens again by starting a nuclear war... What lol?

    It's true though that a lot of college students on university campuses hate Israel and sympathize with Palestine and Syria. Kind of weird

  3. I dont see anywhere that Adelson (a Jew himself) advocates that the US bomb Israel for the Ukrainian famine. More importantly I want to know where he comes across as a White Nationalist.

    1. You must not know Abelson is also very satisfied with the large Holodomore museum that is in Tel Aviv (and nearly every Western country) to remind the Israelis they exterminated 6 trillion Ukrainians in the gas chambers. In the museums they learn that their great grandparents all had lampshades made from human skin and washed with soap made from dead Ukrainian babies.

  4. What the heck? That famine picture is a well known one of starving Indians - among the 20 million or so victims of British engineered famines in India. Look more closely at it. Talk about misrepresentation! That picture is also on the cover of Late Victorian Holocausts, by Mike Davis.

    Furthermore many of the pictures you see in books and on the internet purported to be of Ukraine famine victims, are taken from the Russian civil war.

    1. Great catch Mike. Many people on the internet are too lazy to verify information. But, we are all guilty of making mistakes from time to time, as is clearly the case here.
      I read the article you linked and find the inhuman crimes against Indians just as monstrous as the mass starvation of the Ukrainians. Starving your enemies and/or subjugated peoples has been used by villains for thousands of years.
      We humans can be horribly wicked creatures. This is why it is important, as the satire of the above video shows us, that we must always keep vigilant to not get a mind-set of "my people are superior to all others", and, we must name and shame those who subscribe to this psychosis.

  5. The picture was actually taken in 1877

  6. Ramzpaul is obviously taking the piss.

    Adelson actually said bomb Iran. He would never get away with saying bomb Israel.

    No one has ever suggested modern Jews should pay for their purported role in the Ukrainian famine. But whites are made to suffer 'collective guilt' for their role in say, slavery much longer ago.

    So he presents a situation that everyone would agree is absurd ---but that is actually accepted anyway when applied to whites.


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