Will Ukraine be a puppet of the USA/EU or Russia? Or will Ukraine achieve self-determination? Will Americans one day gain self-determination? KIEV, Ukraine — The street fighters in Independence Square, kitted out with motorcycle helmets, plywood shields and baseball bats, are an intimidating lot by any measure, and this week they turned whole battalions of riot police officers on their heels in epic, bloody clashes that stunned the world. ... The exploits and fearsome appearance of the fighters, known as the defenders of Maidan, as the square is known, have been elevated to lore, at least among supporters of the opposition. Old men pat them on the back, children revere them, and women want to be their girlfriends. http://isteve.blogspot.com/2014/02/chicks-dig-right-sector.html We are fighting For the right of every Ukrainian to human dignity... For a fair criminal trial of Berkut and other dogs of the occupational system... Against the humiliation and impoverishment of the Ukrainian pe...