Pussy Riot - Cargo Cult Radicals

You have probably seen the video of Pussy Riot getting whipped by the Cossacks. But, really, it never grows old watching it. Watching these strong and empowered women squeal and slink off is hilarious. Quite the contrast to the men who fought in the Ukraine.

What caught my eye in this video was how the "radical" Pussy Riot put on their masks AFTER posing for the cameras. What is up with that? The reason radicals wears masks is to hide their identify from the police. If you plan to pose for the camera, there is NO REASON TO WEAR A FUCKING MASK.

But like most Leftists, they have a Cargo Cult mentality. Meaning they mistake the form for the substance. They see radical street fighters wearing masks. Therefore, if they should wear masks that will make them radicals! Poseurs.


Cargo Cult


  1. The only thing leftists understand is getting their heads knocked.

  2. You are correct. People like Ramzpaul are the true revolutionaries today. Think about Obama's buddy Bill Ayers. He thinks himself a big bad revolutionary. Here's some news for Ayers; if you hang out with the POTUS, you're probably not a revolutionary. If you get 3 hours on C-span to push your ideas, you're probably not a revolutionary. If you get book deals with a major publisher, you're probably not a revolutionary.

  3. Now if they'd only worship in front of photographs of Prince Phillip, they'd be absolutely like the cargo cultists.
    A bachelor's degree functions in a cargo-cultic way; many kids think that because they've "gone to college", a middle-class lifestyle is virtually automatic, no matter how well they did, what subject they studied or where they went. Pitiful to see someone after 7 years and a "degree" in "Communications" from Whatsamatta U. think that 50K a year (with full benefits) is a given.


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