Microaggressions in Everyday Life

The new trend is to ban "micro aggression". It seems that a micro aggression is anything that offends a protected group.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A tone-deaf inquiry into an Asian-American’s ethnic origin. Cringe-inducing praise for how articulate a black student is. An unwanted conversation about a Latino’s ability to speak English without an accent.

This is not exactly the language of traditional racism, but in an avalanche of blogs, student discourse, campus theater and academic papers, they all reflect the murky terrain of the social justice word du jour — microaggressions — used to describe the subtle ways that racial, ethnic, gender and other stereotypes can play out painfully in an increasingly diverse culture.



  1. Derald Wing Sue speak real good English

  2. I've met folks who are not asian and speak English poorly. To come to his guys conclusion you have to rely on an assumption, in the first scenario, that the interviewer would have only made the comment to an asian or perceived foreigner. We don't know that to be true. Maybe he wants someone who speaks clearly on the phone and this guy has the talent for it. We just don't with the intentional limited information presented.

    Second scenario, a woman is entering an elevator and sees a large black man who's not smiling on the elevator. Again they make the assumption that it was his skin color that made the girl hesitate and go a different way. We don't know that to be true. She could have feared being alone in an elevator with a large man. Especially one who doesn't look friendly. Maybe she suffers from an anxiety disorder. We don't know. I call his study a bunch of pseudoscience at best.

  3. One of my friends jokingly created the phrase "microrape" and I told him to be quiet, someone would pick it up and make a big deal of it because they thought it was real.


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