Will Big Government Attract Minorities to the GOP?


In a multicultural society people do not vote based on political positions.  People vote based on racial and ethnic lines. Yet the Republican Party still exists in a fantasy world where people are "color blind" and vote based on the issues. If they offer a good immigration package maybe the Hispanics will vote for them! Or if they have a Black keynote speaker at the convention, that will be sure to win Black votes! And Asians are sure to love their low capital gains tax ideas!


The Republicans remind me of Hitler in 1945 hoping his imaginary Panzer divisions would somehow save the day. The Republicans are utterly delusional. It is almost comical.



  1. I remember a few years ago being a delegate at the AFT/CFT teacher convention. At first I thought wow what a diverse group and everyone seems to be getting along. When they started voting an asian woman from another school district went to the mic and complained that the CFT board looked to white and she wanted it changed. After her comment several black ladies walked around the room coaxing the crowd to cheer and clap. I couldn't believe what I was watching. They didn't complain about policies or needing fresh ideas they wanted the board to look less white.

  2. Hey Ramz,

    I would agree that the general perception of the two parties is that of the "establishment" (whites) and that of the coalition against it, which explains in large part the demographic voting patterns (http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/elections/how_groups_voted/voted_12.html).

    Assuming you would agree that we already live in a multicultural society that votes on racial and ethnic lines, how would you explain only 59% of whites voting Republican? Why is it such a struggle to get just 6 out of 10 whites to vote with "their" party?

    Just curious what your thoughts are, as I am not satisfied with any explanation I could offer myself.

    1. That's an easy one: Whites are bombarded with the message that to even identify as White is evil and "racist". Unfortunately, many people buy this tripe. As a consequence, those people not only don't pursue policies and politicians that are in their interests--they don't even self-identify as White.

    2. The two big parties are a clash of two opposing ideologies.

      The Republican ideology:
      There can be no such thing as group identity. When it comes to politics people do not have to identify as being
      white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish etc
      or as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Voodoo etc
      or as male, female, homesuxual or heterosexual
      etc. We all have to be color blind. Only other issues matter, such as government oppression on the people by big government, high taxes, facilitated through gun control etc.

      The Democratic ideology:
      Group identities exist and are important. Groups are about oppression by discrimination. There is always an oppressor group and many oppressed groups. Major examples: whites oppress blacks, browns, yellows; men oppress women; sexually normal people oppress LGBT.
      Black people have to identify as being black and their black identity is having been oppressed by whites. La Raza, yellow Asians, Native Americans, Arabs and Jews can identify in a similar way with their respective race. But there can be no white identity for whites, unless the white wants to identify with being an oppressor and his white identity is sympathizing with the other races and helping them against the oppression of his fellow whites.
      Jews can have a Jewish identity and it is about anti-semitism. Muslims can have an Islamic identity and it is about islamophobia. Christians can have no Christian identity unless it is about helping other religions to fight off their historic oppressions by Christendom.
      Women can have a female identity and it is about feminism. Men can have no male identity unless the man identifies with being the oppressor sex and helps women against their oppression by the classical patriarchy.

      Both party ideologies have in common, there can be no real identity for whites, Christians, men or non-LGBT, or other main groups that may be defined in the future. These groups can have no ingroup interest to help each other and no ingroup interest in defense against outgroup threats.


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