Peaches Geldof dead at 25

I must admit I don't follow celebrity gossip so I had no idea who Peaches Geldof was. It seems that Peaches was some sort of celebrity that was famous in Britain. She was the daughter of Bob Geldof of the Boomtown Rats and Pink Floyd The Wall fame.

She was a very pretty and wealthy girl. Sadly, she seemed to spend much of her life doing the usual Hollywood party routine.

There is no official word of the cause of her death. But 25 year old girls rarely just drop dead of natural causes. Her previous rumored drug abuse must raise some suspicions as to the cause of such an early death.

What is sad is that she was a mother of two young children. Her own mother died of a heroin overdose. So one would think she would have been careful with her lifestyle. Our culture promotes that idea that parents can be perpetually 16 years old and never grow up. Sadly that has consequences. Her kids needed a mother, not a party girl.


  1. She was gorgeous, IMO. Her dad was [is] a dick, whom I opposed in the '80s in London.

  2. Just 'googled' her, apparently she posted a picture of her collection of Aleister Crowley books on Instagram, and had a tattoo inspired by him, maybe she was taking part in some magick...I always think, boy I wish I was lucky enough to have an occultist for a mother, wouldn't that be nice?


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