Elliot Rodger - the new American male

Is Elliot Rodger the new face of the millennial American male? Mixed race, effeminate, borderline gay, atheist, liberal divorced parents, narcissistic, cosmopolitan, prone to crying jags in the bathroom? His personality reminded me somewhat of Obama.

Below is Rodger's "manifesto".



  1. Rammy, what did you do at 22? How old are you now?

  2. I was working at 22.

    I am 50 now.

  3. This may be my favorite one so far. I like your comical videos, they're very funny and they do get your points across but when you just speak plainly, you articulate the points so well. These kind of videos are very encouraging to me that people will understand what you're saying and maybe really think about the arguments you're making. And if they already agree with you, like me, these help the viewer better explain or argue those points with other people who haven't heard them, the ones on the fence or the ignorant. I like the mix, the funny/cheeky videos and the ones where you just speak what's on your mind.

  4. At 22 I was in college, driving a Rambler, delivering pizzas - and I still got girls.

  5. I know you shouldn't post after a few drinks - but here goes. My grandmother married at 16. I started a full time job and was self supporting at 15. George Washington achieved greatness in his early 20's. When is this present generation going to grow up ?

  6. It was stated in his so-called manifesto that he felt it was his destiny to win the power ball jack pot. And when it just didn't happen that way he felt cheated and totally pissed off. This should have been taken as a red alert warning alarm that this gook was nuts or well on his way there!

  7. You are a hypocrite Ramzpaul

    The reason why we have the likes of Elliot in the world is because of Asiaphile white dudes like yourself.

    Is it not ironic that your buddy John Derbyshire was a guest speaker at the past two Amren conferences, yet his son is a spitting image of Elliot

    When it comes to miscegenation you are a complete and utter race traitor.

  8. I think he's cute so I'm biased but hes one variety I guess. The poor child was unstable....don't make fun of him....real people got hurt....even if it is somewhat absurd to study.


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