White Guys: We Suck and We're Sorry (a response)

A viral video has been released of White guys apologizing. Clearly the only solution is to put White people into their own country so they can't exploit the people of color. Nationalism solves everything.



  1. Are you sure you did not fall for satire? :)

  2. Ramzpaul I think this is satire. These guys may be on our side. But your response was classic ! And so true too.

    1. I see it that way too - although, maybe satire lite. But yes, one of RamZ's classics.

  3. Hi guys, this IS satire. Can't believe you don't see this. But I love the idea of our being so bad we should seal ourselves off.

    1. Can't believe you don't see this

      Americans aren't too bright, Savant.

  4. Ramzpaul this has to be one of your all time best vids.

  5. http://thepunditpress.com/2014/05/05/college-wins-us-debate-championship-by-repeating-the-n-word-over-and-over-speaking-incomprehensibly/

    This is how debates are 'won' in our society. It's like Libs claim that the side of 'gay marriage' 'won the debate' when, in fact, all debate was muted by the fact that Jews control the media and academia and have threatened everyone with blacklisting or demotion if they openly opposed 'gay marriage'. So, Libs MUST support 'gay marriage' openly and Cons can only oppose it with timid silence, which is useless. Cons have gone from silent majority to silent minority. Silent, silent, and silent.

    So, Libs 'won the debate'.

    And in the Towson debate, the black kids just shouted and hollered a lot, but I guess Afrocentric logic is different from ours, and we must judge truth by its volume and vibrancy. After all, if MLK didn't have a boombox voice, would he be hailed as a hero--even though everything he was was plagiarized from others?

    Btw, I have a splendid idea for how black kids can win spelling bees:

    Spell 'effervescent'

    Sanjay Patel: e-f-f-e-r-v-e-s-c-e-n-t.


    Spell 'bibliophile'

    Whachamacallisha: I-ll-bibliophile-your-honkey-racist-ass-mothafuc*a-cuz-you-know-this-punkass-shit-be-designed-to-dis-black-folks-jes-like-you-mammy-and-yo-pappy-and-yo-grandmammy-and-yo-grandpappy-and-yo-whole-generation-done-to-our-people-which-be-why-i-fly-like-a-butterfly-and-i-spell-like-a-bee-and-that's-why-you-bettah-award-me-or-my-homeys-gonna-burn-down-yo-whiteass-city!

    CORRECT 1000x over. You win the prize!!!

  6. This is not satire. Stephen Parkhurst, the guy behind this video is in deadly earnest. And yes, I agree with him, he is a terrible person.


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